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Dictionaries, early

Archive Print Collection: Early Dictionaries


Type of record: Book

Title: Dictionaries, early

Level: Collection

Classmark: Early Dictionaries

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Publication dates range from the 1606 Thresor de la langue française, by Aimar de Ranconnet, to the 1901 Dictionnaire de l'Académie française. A dozen or so of the dictionaries were published before 1650, some 70 between 1700 and 1750, and nearly all the rest between 1750 and 1850. About 150 were published in France and another 100 in Great Britain, and there are also some Italian, German, Spanish and Dutch volumes. Some 30 are in Latin. There are single-language dictionaries, bilingual dictionaries, and also specialist dictionaries covering terms in commerce, shipping, fishing, philosophy, mathematics, architecture, comedy and satire, etc. Among the more esoteric items are an Italian-Turkish dictionary published in Rome in 1641, and a Latin-Armenian dictionary of Scripture and Armenian Divine Office books published in 1695 by the Vatican.

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