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Romany Collection (Brotherton Collection)

Archive Print Collection: BC Rom

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Type of record: Book

Title: Romany Collection (Brotherton Collection)

Level: Collection

Classmark: BC Rom

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Collection group(s): Gypsy, Traveller and Roma Collections


One of the outstanding resources in the United Kingdom for the study of Gypsies and Travellers. Originally assembled by Lord Brotherton's niece-in-law, Dorothy Una Ratcliffe (Mrs McGrigor Phillips), and presented to the Library in 1950, the Collection is still actively developed. Its major strength is in the classic British and other European works of Romany scholarship of the 19th and early 20th centuries, although more recent works in many languages are comprehensively collected. These are complemented by less specialised accounts of Gypsy life, biographies of Gypsies, travel works with Gypsy reference and literary works dealing with Gypsy subjects (such as the works of George Borrow) dating from the Renaissance to the 20th century. Rare items include texts in Russian and Moravian Romany. A varied collection of music, letters, manuscripts, play-bills, pictures, engravings and other objects relating to the Gypsy culture supports the printed material.

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Access to this material is unrestricted.

This collection is currently being worked on by the Special Collections team and therefore may not always be readily available for users to consult. Please contact staff in advance if you would like to access the material.

On our website

Romany Collection guide

Collection guide: Gypsy, Traveller and Roma Collections

The Gypsy, Traveller and Roma Collections consist of separate collections that reference a variety of both ethnic (eg Romany/Irish Traveller) and non-ethnic (eg New Traveller) communities with a nomadic culture, history or lifestyle.

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