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Archive Print Collection: Scandinavian


Type of record: Book

Title: Scandinavian

Level: Collection

Classmark: Scandinavian

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Works which date from the early 18th century up to the present day, dealing with many different aspects of Scandinavian language, literature, and culture. Some of the countries represented in this collection include Norway, Denmark, Sweden and Iceland. This spread of countries is reflected in the variety of languages in the collection, most of the works being in either Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, English or German. Subjects include Norse mythology, German language dictionaries, folklore, works on individual Scandinavian authors (particularly Hans Christian Andersen), runes and runic inscription, Scandinavian antiquities, Danish language dictionaries, Scandinavian history and philology. This collection also contains a small number of works on subjects such as Scandinavian agriculture, Danish law, and more modern works on aspects of Scandinavian history such as the Vikings. This collection contains periodicals, such as 'Scandinavian Review', and 'Aländsk Odling'.

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