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Mistress Page in 'The Merry Wives of Windsor'

no date

Painting : oil

Gift of Sir Michael Sadler, 1923

Image credit University of Leeds


Artist(s): Fuseli, Henry (1741-1825)(Artist)

Title: Mistress Page in 'The Merry Wives of Windsor'

Date created: no date

Accession number: LEEUA 1923.030

Persistent link:

Collection group(s): University Art Collection


Frame Type - original.

Support is canvas, though a portion of a larger work attached to a lining.

Physical characteristics

Category: Painting

Technique: easel

Medium: oil

Support: canvas

Frame: width 835mm height 970mm

Object: width 632mm height 759mm

Object weight: 14.2 kg


A label pasted to the back is inscribed: Mr. P M Turner July 19 1921 identifie[d] this picture as a work by Fuseli and thinks that the attribution to Peters is wrong.There is a small round label numbered B1319. The centre rail of the stretcher is inscribed, Previously wrongly attributed to the Rev. W.Peters, R.A., and on another stretcher bar, inscribed in pencil, Mrs. Page.

Accession details

Accession number: LEEUA 1923.030

Accession date: 1923

Credit: Gift of Sir Michael Sadler, 1923

Source: Gift; Sadler, Sir Michael

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