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Original and later covers for Marie Hartley and Joan Ingilby's "The Old Hand-knitters of the Dales" (1951), the first in two colour, green and black, using a photograph of a man and woman knitting; the second in 4-colour, using reproduction of G.Walker pr


Creator(s): Dalesman(Artist)

Title: Original and later covers for Marie Hartley and Joan Ingilby's "The Old Hand-knitters of the Dales" (1951), the first in two colour, green and black, using a photograph of a man and woman knitting; the second in 4-colour, using reproduction of G.Walker pr

Accession number: LEEUA 1999.015.209

Persistent link:

Collection group(s): University Art Collection

Physical characteristics

Category: Printed document

Technique: book wrapper

Medium: ink

Support: paper

Measurement details: height - each 197 (sight) width - each 130 (sight)

Accession details

Accession number: LEEUA 1999.015.209

Accession date: 1999

Credit: © Marie Hartley Estate

Source: Gift

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