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Great Britain C16/17 (Brotherton Collection)

Archive Print Collection: BC GB C16/17


Type of record: Book

Title: Great Britain C16/17 (Brotherton Collection)

Level: Collection

Classmark: BC GB C16/17

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Works printed in Great Britain in the 16th and 17th centuries, nearly all in English or Latin. The earliest is a law book, the Natura breuium, printed in 1518 - one of a number of law books in the collection. Law books, spiritual treatises of various kinds (including fulminations against Rome), and histories, make up the greater part of the subject matter. Among the rest, serveral works give a facinating insight into questions of the time, such as duelling, or witchcraft. The catalogue records are in themselves interesting, since many of them, include notes giving information about ownership inscriptions and marginalia.

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