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The book of household management : comprising information for the mistress... also, sanitary, medical, & legal memoranda; with a history of the origin, properties, and uses of all things connected with home life and comfort

Archive Print Item: Cookery A/BEE Contains digital media


Type of record: Book

Title: The book of household management : comprising information for the mistress... also, sanitary, medical, & legal memoranda; with a history of the origin, properties, and uses of all things connected with home life and comfort

Level: Item

Classmark: Cookery A/BEE

Creator(s): Beeton, Mrs (1836-1865)

Publisher: Ward, Lock and Co

Publication city: London

Date(s): [1869]

Language: English

Size and medium: xxxix, 1139 p

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Collection group(s): Cookery Collection


Includes index.

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