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Di Hudson Collection

Archive Collection: FAN/DH


Type of record: Archive

Title: Di Hudson Collection

Level: Collection

Classmark: FAN/DH

Date(s): 1965-1989

Size and medium: 4 boxes

Persistent link:

Collection group(s): Feminist Archive North


Lesbian and gay, women's aid, WAVAW, WIRES, homosexuality

Biography or history

Di Hudson joined the women's movement via the Gay Liberation Front in 1972. She was a member of the Women's Liberation Movement and helped refurbish the Women's Centre by doing woodwork, providing screens for windows, and painting. Later, as a member of the Manchester Women and Health Group, she did free pregnancy testing every Saturday morning at the Centre, and advised women on the side-effects of tranquillisers. She was involved in setting up and supporting women's refuges in Manchester and Leeds, and was a founder member of the Lesbian Collective and the Lesbian and Psychiatry group. Later she did research into the way women were treated in psychiatry, and published papers and articles. This eventually led to gaining a PhD.

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