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Left Book Club

Archive Print Collection: Left Book Club


Type of record: Book

Title: Left Book Club

Level: Collection

Classmark: Left Book Club

Date(s): 1936-1948

Size and medium: 99 volumes

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Collection group(s): English Literature


The Left Book Club was founded by the publisher Victor Gollancz in 1936, and continued until 1948. The Club offered subscribers a monthly choice of new books at reduced prices, offering commentaries on current affairs, together with expositions of philosophy, economics, history and popular science, all with a socialist slant. This collection of selected LBC publications includes titles such as A short history of the unemployed, The postwar history of the British working class, Why capitalism means war. Nine days that shook the world (on the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381), and A textbook of Marxist philosophy, all reflecting the Club’s origin at a time of heightened political awareness and activity.

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