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Prize-giving: FUAM 2024

The judges have chosen, now it’s time to find out which artist has won The Friends of University Art and Music Graduate Art Prize 2024

Join us to hear the official announcement of the FUAM Graduate Art Prize 2024 winner and celebrate the achievements of all our finalists. We will also reveal the winner of the People's Choice Award at this special evening event.

Now in its 12th year, the FUAM exhibition showcases and celebrates the artistic talent of students completing BA studies in Art and Design and Fine Art at the University of Leeds in 2024.

Drinks will be available outside the Gallery from 5pm, the event begins at 5.30pm.


This year’s finalists are:

Tia Brown (BA Art & Design)

Mathilda Doubleday (BA Fine Art)

Ella Georgiou (BA Fine Art)

Saba Siddiqui (BA Art & Design)


Our 2024 judges are Georgia Taylor Aguilar (Curator, Professional Development at ACAVA — Association for Cultural Advancement through Visual Arts), Chris Warrington (Director of Student Experience & Support, University of Leeds) and Sandra Whyles (Director of Chapeltown Arts).

The FUAM Graduate Art Prize is generously supported by Friends of University Art and Music.