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Quick Picks

Pop in for 5 minutes to hear our staff’s personal responses to an object on display in our Galleries and perhaps uncover a few little known stories or facts at the same time.

We all have our favourite artworks or objects – join us in the Galleries as Special Collection Staff move away from the whats, whys and wherefores of the items in the collections and offer a more informal personal viewpoint on a favourite. This could be a personal connection, anecdote or to highlight an unusual link to another collection object. You never know, you might discover some hidden fact gem about a favourite painting or discover an object you have never really noticed before.

Quick Picks are only short so please don’t be late or you might miss it!!

The talks are 12:30 and 12:45, then repeated at 1:00 and 1:15.

A member of staff leading a Quick Picks tour
A member of staff leading a Quick Picks tour
A member of staff leading a Quick Picks tour