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1 to 12 of 25 records


Name: Helm, Richard

Reference: Carlton Hill C7

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1654-1710

Place: Addingham

Pages: 89


Name: Smith, Stephen

Reference: Carlton Hill C7

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1654-1710

Place: Addingham

Pages: 128


Name: Myers, George

Reference: Carlton Hill C8

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1711-1770

Place: Addingham

Pages: [1724, Farfield Meeting] 54


Name: Wharton, Thomas

Reference: Carlton Hill C8

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1711-1770

Place: Addingham

Pages: [1712-21, Farfield Meeting] 7, 21, 29, 32, 40


Name: Emmott, Esther

Reference: Carlton Hill C9

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1771-1792

Place: Addingham

Pages: [Farfield Meeting] 44


Name: Smith, Richard

Reference: Carlton Hill C9

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1771-1792

Place: Addingham

Pages: [Farfield Meeting] 13, 16, 19, 22, 26, 31, 34, 35, 38, 40, 43, 44, 46, 48, 52, 54, 57


Name: Hargrave, James

Reference: Carlton Hill C10

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1793-1853

Place: Addingham

Pages: [Farfield Meeting] 25


Name: Lister, Ebenezer

Reference: Carlton Hill C10

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1793-1853

Place: Addingham

Pages: 35, 38, 50, 65, 75, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88


Name: Lister, Henry

Reference: Carlton Hill C10

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1793-1853

Place: Addingham

Pages: [Farfield Meeting] 3, 4


Name: Lister, John

Reference: Carlton Hill C10

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1793-1853

Place: Addingham

Pages: 83, 84, 87


Name: Smith, Joseph

Reference: Carlton Hill C10

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1793-1853

Place: Addingham

Pages: [Farfield Meeting] 3, 5, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 33, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61


Name: Smith, Richard

Reference: Carlton Hill C10

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1793-1853

Place: Addingham

Pages: [Farfield Meeting] 4