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1 to 12 of 309 records


Name: Bateson, Henry

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Bolland

Pages: 8, 10, 12, 15


Name: Battersby, John

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Bolland

Pages: 109-10, 139, 153, 161, 166-8, 171, 174, 177-8, 180-2, 184-5, 187, 189, 193, 196, 198-9, 203, 207, 209


Name: Battersby, Robert

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Bolland

Pages: 116, 156-7, 172, 174, 182-3, 188, 190, 200, 207


Name: Battersby, William

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Bolland

Pages: 164


Name: Bayley, Henry

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Bolland

Pages: 24, 32-3, 36, 43, 46, 51, 54, 79, 83, 87, 96, 99, 100, 106-10, 114, 135, 137-8, 152-3, 156-7, 163-6, 168, 170


Name: Bayley, Rebecca

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Bolland

Pages: 115


Name: Camwell, Daniel

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Bolland

Pages: 89, 90, 170, 186


Name: Clarke, John

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Bolland

Pages: 171, 173


Name: Clarke, Ralph

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Bolland

Pages: 161, 173, 175, 185, 191, 193, 201


Name: Clough, Richard

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Bolland

Pages: 149, 161, 188, 197, 199


Name: Cuttler, Edmond

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Bolland

Pages: 96


Name: Cuttler, John

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Bolland

Pages: 96