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Name: Lofthouse, John

Reference: Carlton Hill C7

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1654-1710

Place: Cononley

Pages: 159


Name: Roberts, Laurence

Reference: Carlton Hill C7

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1654-1710

Place: Cononley

Pages: 28, 82, 100, 103, 106, 115, 121, 142


Name: Shackleton, Christopher

Reference: Carlton Hill C7

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1654-1710

Place: Cononley

Pages: 103, 106, 112, 115, 119, 121, 124, 127, 130, 134, 163


Name: Shackleton, John

Reference: Carlton Hill C7

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1654-1710

Place: Cononley

Pages: 103, 107, 112, 119, 127


Name: Wilson, Henry

Reference: Carlton Hill C7

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1654-1710

Place: Cononley

Pages: 107, 112, 124, 127, 148


Name: Lofthouse,Loftus, John

Reference: Carlton Hill C8

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1711-1770

Place: Cononley

Pages: [1713-21, Skipton Meeting] 9, 20, 22, 31, 36, 40


Name: Shackleton, Christopher

Reference: Carlton Hill C8

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1711-1770

Place: Cononley

Pages: [Skipton Meeting] 6, 9, 13, 17, 18, 20, 24, 28, 40


Name: Smith, Joseph

Reference: Carlton Hill C8

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1711-1770

Place: Cononley

Pages: [1721-38, Skipton Meeting] 40, 109


Name: Wilkinson, Agnes

Reference: Carlton Hill C8

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1711-1770

Place: Cononley

Pages: [1738, Skipton Meeting] 106


Name: Binns, John

Reference: Carlton Hill C10

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1793-1853

Place: Cononley

Pages: [Skipton Meeting] 12, 17


Name: Wilson, Richard

Reference: Carlton Hill C10

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1793-1853

Place: Cononley

Pages: [Skipton Meeting] 12, 17


Name: Lister, William

Reference: Carlton Hill D13

Meeting: Salterforth and Lothersdale PM 1709-1745

Place: Cononley

Pages: 123