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1 to 12 of 18 records


Name: Butterfield, John

Reference: Carlton Hill C8

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1711-1770

Place: Ilkley

Pages: [1717-18, Farfield Meeting] 25, 29


Name: Alexander, Florence

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Ilkley

Pages: rem IN M13/126


Name: Alletson, Mary Freeth

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Ilkley

Pages: M13/629


Name: Bottomley, Samuel

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Ilkley

Pages: GG5/163; GG6/52-3, 73, 76, 103, 131, 137; GG7/to 32; GG8 214-6


Name: Bottomley, S. H.

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Ilkley

Pages: GG6/252a; GG7/5, 17, 40, 44


Name: Dixon, John William

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Ilkley

Pages: M13/149


Name: Dixon, Winifred

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Ilkley

Pages: M13/149


Name: Dymond, Helen Marian

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Ilkley

Pages: GG6/64


Name: Dymond, Walter

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Ilkley

Pages: GG6/64; GG8/32


Name: Greetham, George

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Ilkley

Pages: app O8/326


Name: Gregory, William Henry

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Ilkley

Pages: rem In GG7/3/11


Name: Hodgson, Sophia

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Ilkley

Pages: d M13/621a