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1 to 12 of 49 records


Name: Brigg, Jeremiah/Jeremy

Reference: Carlton Hill C8

Meeting: Knaresborough MM Sufferings 1711-1770

Place: Keighley Meeting

Pages: [1712-28, Keighley Meeting] 7, 18, 35, 57, 73


Name: Brigg, Bethia

Reference: Carlton Hill E3

Meeting: Leeds PM 1749-1792

Place: Keighley Meeting

Pages: marriage intentions to Jowitt 54


Name: Briggs, Dorothy

Reference: Carlton Hill A20

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1677-1693

Place: Keighley Meeting

Pages: marriage intentions D. Ambler 118


Name: Brooksbanke, Susanah

Reference: Carlton Hill A20

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1677-1693

Place: Keighley Meeting

Pages: poor relief for 149


Name: Clayton/Claten/Claton, Sarah

Reference: Carlton Hill A20

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1677-1693

Place: Keighley Meeting

Pages: 1682 o.a.(marr.)181; sign. 13, 104, 113, 122, 150, 139, 149


Name: Eastburne, Ann

Reference: Carlton Hill A20

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1677-1693

Place: Keighley Meeting

Pages: 1682 sign. 113


Name: Ashald/Esheld, James

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Keighley Meeting

Pages: marriage intention 132(2)


Name: Atkinson, Elizabeth

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Keighley Meeting

Pages: marriage intention 6, 7


Name: Barrett, Mary

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Keighley Meeting

Pages: 104, 105(2)


Name: Bell/Beell, Martha

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Keighley Meeting

Pages: 35; marriage intention 35(2); sign. 35


Name: Blakey/Blaka, Hanna

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Keighley Meeting

Pages: marriage intention 127, 128


Name: Brooksbank, Mary

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Keighley Meeting

Pages: poor 41, 49, 78, 83