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1 to 12 of 27 records


Name: Dickinson/Dickison, Jane

Reference: Carlton Hill A20

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1677-1693

Place: Knaresborough Meeting

Pages: marriage intentions Jonn Spence 127, 129


Name: Blakey/Blacka/Blaka/Blakey, Margaret

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Knaresborough Meeting

Pages: overseer 33, 60; o.a.(marr.) 8, 19, 57, 71, 90; o.a.(finance) 88; YM representative 72; sign. 7, 22, 23, 44, 64, 78, 87, 88(2)


Name: Bruce, Ellen

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Knaresborough Meeting

Pages: poor grant 149


Name: Bruce, Thomas

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Knaresborough Meeting

Pages: marriage intention 43, 45


Name: Buck, Francis

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Knaresborough Meeting

Pages: marriage intention 25, 26


Name: Buck, Hannah

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Knaresborough Meeting

Pages: overseer 38


Name: Buck/Bock, Joseph

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Knaresborough Meeting

Pages: marriage intention 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69


Name: Candler, Ann

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Knaresborough Meeting

Pages: marriage intention 8(2); sign. 7


Name: Candler, Mary

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Knaresborough Meeting

Pages: marriage intention 62(2)


Name: Crook/Crowck, Mary

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Knaresborough Meeting

Pages: marriage intention 43, 45; sign. 37


Name: Day, Ann

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Knaresborough Meeting

Pages: complaint against 15; her marriage 17; contrition 18


Name: Dodshon, D

Reference: Carlton Hill A21

Meeting: Knaresborough Women's MM 1694-1723

Place: Knaresborough Meeting

Pages: overseer 31