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1 to 12 of 21 records


Name: Auner, Hannah

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Morley

Pages: GG6/39, 40


Name: Brown, Arthur

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Morley

Pages: M13/173


Name: Clegg, Elizabeth

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Morley

Pages: app GG4/256-7


Name: Gaunt, George H.

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Morley

Pages: app GG5/206-7


Name: Newell, George H.

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Morley

Pages: app GG8/68-9


Name: Siddle, Ramsden

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Morley

Pages: app O8/324


Name: Smith, Sarah Jane

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Morley

Pages: GG7/3/37; GG8/128-9, 172-3, 274-5


Name: Truelove, Martha

Reference: Carlton Hill F67; GG1-8; M13; O8

Meeting: Brighouse MM Papers 1797-1913

Place: Morley

Pages: GG6/37-8


Name: Jones, Ann

Reference: Carlton Hill H7

Meeting: Settle MM 1787-1821

Place: Morley

Pages: 446


Name: Jones, George

Reference: Carlton Hill H7

Meeting: Settle MM 1787-1821

Place: Morley

Pages: 446


Name: Jesper, Samuel

Reference: Carlton Hill H8

Meeting: Settle MM 1822-1853

Place: Morley

Pages: 51, 53, 55, 116


Name: Worsley, Micajah

Reference: Carlton Hill Q6

Meeting: Brighouse MM 1767-78

Place: Morley

Pages: MM 161, 210, 220, 223, 225; object passim 149-226, 255