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Search the Quaker Collection Index


1 to 12 of 376 records


Name: Boothman, Richard

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Salterforth

Pages: 19A, 46, 54, 95, 106, 122-3, 127, 129, 172, 190, 197, 201, 209


Name: Bracewell, Richard

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Salterforth

Pages: 54-5, 57-8, 104


Name: Clough, William

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Salterforth

Pages: 163


Name: Ellis, William

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Salterforth

Pages: 164-5, 171, 173-6, 180, 184, 187, 195-6, 198Dis


Name: Halt, William

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Salterforth

Pages: 179


Name: Hartley, Henry

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Salterforth

Pages: 167, 178, 198


Name: Hartley, William

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Salterforth

Pages: 199, 200, 202, 208


Name: Higgin, Mary

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Salterforth

Pages: 157


Name: Higson, Joseph

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Salterforth

Pages: 19A, 74, 108, 129


Name: Holt, William

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Salterforth

Pages: 161, 163-4, 177, 183-4, 189, 193-6, 198-9, 201, 203, 205, 207


Name: Ingham, Alice

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Salterforth

Pages: 184-5


Name: King, Henry

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Salterforth

Pages: 31-2, 98, 108, 122, 145, 149, 151, 162-3, 165, 167-8, 171-2, 176-81, 183, 186, 188, 191, 195, 198-200, 202, 206, 208, 210