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1 to 12 of 35 records


Name: Bentham, William

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Selside

Pages: 169, 173, 189, 202


Name: Carr, Thomas

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Selside

Pages: 19A, 52, 154, 160, 187-8, 190.193, 195, 198-9, 201-9


Name: Eglin, Ellen

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Selside

Pages: 177


Name: Eglin, Richard

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Selside

Pages: 143, 146, 165-6


Name: Eglin, Stephen

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Selside

Pages: 104, 132, 167, 171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 182, 185, 195, 198, 200, 203-5, 210


Name: Frankland, Matthew

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Selside

Pages: 187, 189, 191, 195, 197-8, 200


Name: Moore, John

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Selside

Pages: 168, 173-4


Name: Potter, John

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Selside

Pages: 166, 169, 171-2, 176, 178-82, 184, 186-8, 190, 195, 197-8, 200, 203-5, 208


Name: Stoney, Anthony

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Selside

Pages: 167, 171, 175, 177, 182, 185, 196, 208-9


Name: Stoney,Richard

Reference: Carlton Hill H1

Meeting: Settle MM 1666-1700

Place: Selside

Pages: 132, 146, 150, 152, 154, 165-6, 168, 170-4, 176, 178-95, 197, 199-201, 203-7, 210


Name: Bentham, John

Reference: Carlton Hill H2

Meeting: Settle MM 1700-1718

Place: Selside

Pages: 38, 41, 154, 189, 190-1Dis


Name: Bentham, Joshua

Reference: Carlton Hill H2

Meeting: Settle MM 1700-1718

Place: Selside

Pages: MM 257, 263, 270, 272, 282