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Brotherton Collection6
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse6

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Wodehouse, Sir Philip6
Herbert'S Proverbs6

Title: [unknown]

Author: Wodehouse, Sir Philip

Attribution: Herbert's proverbs

Date(s): 166- or 167-?

Manuscript: Lt 40

Contents: Argues for simple but wholesome tastes; attributed to 'Herbert's proverbs'

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Wodehouse, Sir Philip

Attribution: Herbert's proverbs

Date(s): 166- or 167-?

Manuscript: Lt 40

Contents: Expressing a preference for an unadventurous but safe life; attributed to 'Herbert's proverbs'

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Wodehouse, Sir Philip

Attribution: Herbert's proverbs

Date(s): 166- or 167-?

Manuscript: Lt 40

Contents: On the pain of life; attributed to 'Herbert's proverbs'

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Wodehouse, Sir Philip

Attribution: Herbert's proverbs

Date(s): 166- or 167-?

Manuscript: Lt 40

Contents: On the profit gained by listening rather than speaking; attributed to 'Herbert's proverbs'

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Wodehouse, Sir Philip

Attribution: Herbert's proverbs

Date(s): 166- or 167-?

Manuscript: Lt 40

Contents: Advising those in a sensitive position against criticising others; attributed to 'Herbert's proverbs'

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Wodehouse, Sir Philip

Attribution: Herbert's proverbs

Date(s): 166- or 167-?

Manuscript: Lt 40

Contents: Suggests that it is better to have a strong rather than pliable ruler; attributed to 'Herbert's proverbs'

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