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Norris, William Edward4
Gosse, Edmund3
Shorter, Clement King1

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From 18002
From 19002

Sender: Norris, William Edward

Recipient: Shorter, Clement King

Letters: 18

Date(s): 14 Jun 1893 - 14 Jan 1900

Location: BC. Shorter correspondence

Sender: Norris, William Edward

Recipient: Gosse, Edmund

Letters: 63

Date(s): 31 May 1891 - 26 Mar 1923

Location: BC Gosse correspondence

Note: William Edward Norris was a barrister in the Inner Temple in 1874, but never practised. He wrote some thirty novels between 1877 and 1925, when he died at his home in Torquay. Meeting in London; Pierre Loti; distressed by a tragedy; golf article; Balestier; read G's "Narcisse"; membership of National Club; Egerton Castle; (1894) "The Swan"; N and his dogs on Christmas Day, President Cleveland; Archbishop and Deans, funeral attire; (24 October 1896) Henry James, G's son to South America, Kipling dinner with N. at Torquay; thanks for praise of book; Christmas solitude, "Aphrodite"; G. to Torquay, golf; Augustus Hare; Henry James at Torquay; Bateman, Heinemann's nuptials at Rome; (1899) illness; (22 July 1900) motor car and evening frocks, N. not a cynic; life at Torquay, Henry James, Bateman, "Kim"; (1902) G's Scandinavian research, Wisby likes Swedes, Lady Fitzgerald's death, going to Naples, Ceylon, Tasmania; leaving his house; (1 January 1903) two days in Rome, Naples, Syracuse to Malta
which he doesn't like, Henry James' "Wings of the Dove"; Colombo, Kandy, gout attack at Melbourne, stayed with Governor of Victoria, racing at Melbourne, Government house at Hobart, likes people and scenery of Tasmania better than Australia, Melbourne ugly, silence of Henry James, G's "Jeremy Taylor", Sir Hector Macdonald's suicide; (2 October 1904) from Malvern, Lowndes, off to Buxton, article in Pall Magazine on N. as a novelist, alleged decay of English novel, Henry James in New Hampshire, old age; (4 November 1905) Henry James, G. in Italy; Hewlett's "Fond Adventures"; (10 November 1906) "knavish tricks of these rascally Radical Ministers ...", "C.B. and his crew", navy's weakness; Leslie Stephens; racing; wish to meet Anthony Hope; circle of friends growing smaller, clings to Torquay, G. to Montpelier, N. to Cannes, Rhoda Broughton; (18 November 1908) N. at Eaton; Christmas in Wilts., golf, nothing from Henry James; G. entertaining Princess of Wales; (12 July 1910) anxious about
Henry James, future state of existence, cricket at Lord's; Henry James right to go to America; Henry James "mind more or less unhinged"; G. to Provence, N. to Scotland; Daudet volume, "this vile Election", "after us the deluge"; (28 December 1912) Henry James and shingles, Andre Gide, European situation and Austria, Bonar Law, Carson, G. to Locerno; (21 October 1914) Not Sheringham cruisers offshore. "I didn't want this war"; present struggle no element of finality, universal obligatory service, cannot crush Germany unless Slavs do a generation hence, Young, Hewlett, Henry James, Princess Salm; am not a "violent pessimist", Bateman, Lord Montagu of Beaulieu; (22 December 1915) "these awful times", Lloyd George's croakings, poison, Asquith, Haig; death of James, "the war killed him"; (1920) Henry James's letters, Lloyd George's maladresse, and the "pompous bounder Curzon". "Poor silly old League of Nations"; (6 February 1921) Balfour, Harold Begbie; resignation from golf club, G. in "Sunday
Times"; Windham Club; (1923) Torquay rivelling Blackpool and Margate, triumph of socialism.

Sender: Norris, William Edward

Recipient: Gosse, Edmund

Letters: 1

Date(s): 6 Jan 1925

Location: BC Gosse correspondence

Sender: Norris, William Edward

Recipient: Gosse, Edmund

Letters: 1

Date(s): 15 Aug 1925

Location: BC Gosse correspondence. In GOLDEN WEDDING box