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Brotherton Collection4
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse4

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Etherege, Sir George4
Sir George Etheredge2
Sir George Etherige1
Sir George Etheridge1

Title: Sir George Etheredge's letter to my Lord Middleton

Author: Etherege, Sir George

Attribution: Sir George Etheredge

Date(s): 1686

Manuscript: Lt q 48

Contents: Lighthearted epistle to the Earl of Middleton, complaining about

the looks and behaviour of the German women in Ratisbon

(Regensburg). Cf. BCMSV 2593.

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Title: Sir George Etheredge to the Earl of Middleton, greeting

Author: Etherege, Sir George

Attribution: Sir George Etheredge

Date(s): 1686

Manuscript: Lt q 48

Contents: Lighthearted epistle to the Earl of Middleton, complaining about

life in Ratisbon (Regensburg), especially German formality in

love. Cf. BCMSV 2592.

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Title: Sir George Etherige to Lord Midleton

Author: Etherege, Sir George

Attribution: Sir George Etherige

Date(s): 1686

Manuscript: Lt 54

Contents: Lighthearted epistle to the Earl of Middleton, complaining about the looks

and behaviour of the German women in Ratisbon (Regensburg). Cf BCMSV


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Title: Sir George Etheridge to the Earle of Midleton

Author: Etherege, Sir George

Attribution: Sir George Etheridge

Date(s): 1686

Manuscript: Lt 54

Contents: Lighthearted epistle to the Earl of Middleton, complaining about life in

Ratisbon (Regensburg), especially German formality in love. Cf BCMSV

422, 423

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