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Brotherton Collection4
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse4

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Hubert, Sir Francis4
Richard Hobert; Francis Hubert1

Title: [unknown]

Author: Hubert, Sir Francis

Date(s): 1629 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 84

Contents: Reflection on the changeabiity of fortune and the transience and mixture of human life. Extracts from Hubert's "Life and Death of Edward the Second" (lines 3340-3, 3345-6, 3352-3). BCMSV 3619, later in the manuscript, is a more complete version of

the sam

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Title: Humility

Author: Hubert, Sir Francis

Date(s): 1629 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 84

Contents: Reflection on the changeability and transience of the world and of human fortune, extracted from Hubert's "Life and Death of Edward the Second" (lines 3328-53). A version of the same extract comprises BCMSV 3608 earlier in the manuscript.

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Title: The humble contented man

Author: Hubert, Sir Francis

Date(s): 1629 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 84

Contents: Extract from Hubert's "Life and Death of Edward the Second" (lines 1821-55), praising a life of quiet contented moderation dedicated to study and self-knowledge

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Hubert, Sir Francis

Attribution: Richard Hobert; Francis Hubert

Date(s): 1629 (published)

Manuscript: Lt q 51

Contents: Hubert's "Historie of Edward the Second", recounting the life and death of Edward II, and including meditations on fortune, youth, sovereignty, law, pleasure, favouritism, war, politics, rebellion, royal succession and death. Prefaced by notes on

the poem

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