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Neville Wallis, Barnes2
Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry2

Sender: Neville Wallis, Barnes

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 36

Date(s): 26 Aug 1957 - 26 Oct 1970

Location: SC MS 742/316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 326, 328, 332,

338, 339, 340, 343, 345, 349, 366, 367, 382, 383, 386, 388, 390,

392, 394, 395, 396, 398, 399, 400, 401, 404, 405, 406, 779

Note: 1) Opinion of Sir Geoffrey Taylor on aerodynamics. 2 ff. TS. 2) Further to item 316. TS. carbon. 3) Further to 316. Rivalry between ministries. TS. 4) Long-range supersonic flight; ground level flight and other matters. 3 ff. TS. 5) Low-level flight; manned aircraft v. missiles. 2 ff. TS. 6) Difference of opinion between ministry experts and others. 2 ff. TS. 7) Same topic. 2ff. TS. 8) His credibility; "Swallow" project. 2 ff. TS. 9) Congratulates HLB on his speech in House of Commons. TS. 10) List of those who support the "Swallow" project. 3 ff. TS. 11) Meetings. TS. 12) Lunch with Sir Frederick Brundrett 13) Forwarding a copy of the paper which he read at Eton college; further meetings. 14) Enclosing a copy of his paper delivered at Eton college. TS. 15) About a quotation. TS. 16) Visit by Brundrett to Weybridge; future visit by NATO officials. TS. 17) Cooperative development of weapons with USA. TS. 2 ff. 18) American support for "Swallow" project; attitude of Ministry
of Supply. TS. 19) Arrangement for HLB to visit RAE Farnborough. 2 ff. TS. 20) An error in HLB's speech in House of Commons. 2 ff. TS. 21) Various meetings. 22) Conflicting opinions of Sir George Edwards and NASA staff on variable geometry aircraft; Chapman Pincher. TS. 23) Suspects interference in relationship between Sir George Edwards and himself. TS. 24) Reproduction of Wallis's paper on "The Strength of England". TS. 25) The same topic. TS. 26) Arrangements for lunch. TS. 27) Thanks for lunch; preparing a paper for HLB on training scientists. 28) Science and education; Einstein and the vagaries of inspiration. 2 ff. TS. 29) Personal. TS. 30) Mainly personal. TS. 31) Plowden Report, science, engineering and the British aircraft industry. 2 ff. 32) A meeting with directors of Vickers. TS. 33) A lunch appointment. TS. 34) Unable to accept an invitation to dinner. TS. 35) Personal. TS. 36) TS.

Sender: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Recipient: Neville Wallis, Barnes

Letters: 15

Date(s): 8 Nov 1957 - 20 Oct 1967

Location: SC MS 742/324, 331, 335, 341, 342, 344, 346, 348, 359, 365, 387,

391, 393, 397, 782

Note: 1) Proposed meeting with Duncan Sandys. TS. carbon. 2) Suggests

a meeting with Brundrett. TS. carbon. 3) Lunch with Brundrett.

TS. carbon. 4) Proposed meeting with Lord Weekes. TS. carbon.

5) Thanks Neville Wallis for a copy of his paper delivered at

Eton. TS. 6) Thanks for a second copy of Wallis's Eton College

Lecture. TS. carbon. 7) Thanking him for a letter (item 742/345).

TS. carbon. 8) On a debate on the Air Estimates. TS. carbon. 9) Recent publicity. TS. carbon. 10) Questions and answers in House of Commons on 30 Jul. TS. carbon. 11) In reply to item 742/386. 12) The Skybolt project. 2 ff. TS. carbon. 13) The same; a proposed lunch. TS. carbon. 14) In reply to item 742/396. TS.

carbon. 15) TS. carbon.