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1 to 12 of 39062 records

Total number of records: 39062

Count of Collection group

Collection groupCount
Letters Database22490
Liddle Collection16522
Brotherton Collection49
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse42
Art and Antique Market7
Leeds Animation Workshop1

Top 10: People and organisations

People and organisationsCount
Shorter, Clement King1393
Gosse, Edmund1327
Crossley-Holland, Kevin904
Thwaite, Anthony718
Ransome, Arthur682
Bathurst, Lilias Margaret Frances, Countess Bathurst (Nee Borthwick)525
Clodd, Edward524
Sharp, Clifford479
Beckwith, Frank443
Tinsley, Ernest John402

Count of Earliest date

Earliest dateCount
From 18005961
From 190033099
From 20002

Count of Latest date

Latest dateCount
Up to 18995622
Up to 199933433
Up to latest7
MS 1999/4/4
The series primarily contains photographs of furniture and artworks. There are also photographs of textiles and architecture. Also included are some photographic negatives. The series includes photographs relating to the building of Bailiffscourt, a medieval style house, designed by Amyas Phillips. He was an architectect as well as an antiques dealer.
MS 1999/4/4/27
The file contains photographs of wooden cabinets and a commode. There are also photographs of campaign furniture including collapsible chairs and a foldout bed. There is a piece of card with the number 2/7551 written on it and a torn label which mentions 'The trustees of the Olive, Countess" and "pices made by Wright and Elwick, alos famous...8 July 1998".
MS 1999/4/4/28
The file contains photographs of a travelling box, possibly a 'Woolwich' trunk with a typescript paper with the stock number 1/7344 explaining it's uses. There is also a photocopy showing a soldiers with a similar box and an index card. There are 9 photographs of an "invalid's chair" invented by J. Alderman. The photographs are accompanied by typescript papers with the stock number 1/7325 giving background information about the chair and its inventor.
MS 1999/4/4/29
The file contains a photograph of a cabinet with many small drawers. The dimensions are written on the reverse. There is also a small label.
MS 1999/4/4/30
The file contains one group of photographs from the early 20th century showing furniture and one room interior. The room interior is labelled "Tufnell Park" on the reverse.
MS 1999/4/4/31
The file comprises two photographs. One is of a large sideboard. The other is of a 3 dimensional model of an unidentified room. The model is lying flat.
MS 1999/4/4/32
Postcard showing Dowles Cottages, Bewdley. There is an inscription on the back which starts "R. C. Hamlen c/o F. P. Royce".
MS 2267/2/3/6
c.1984 - 1986
This file contains artworks produced during the creation of the film "Crops and Robbers" It contains a complete sample which shows use of cel with collage, paper and printed copies of images in publications then hand-coloured etc. – developed style partly influenced by Milena joining the workshop and maybe also TW’s trip to Women’s Film Festival in Amsterdam – exploring more possibilities for the art/techniques in Workshop’s films? Example of a cel stack, etc.
30 May 1891 - 17 Oct 1893
Contains three letters from Mary Cowden Clarke to Lilian Hughes, and one letter to Charles Hughes. Letter dated 30 May 1881 from Cowden Clarke to Lilian Hughes discusses Lilian Hughes' book 'Off the Reel', containing 'Hearts of Oak' and 'New Friends'. Letter dated 10 Feb 1882 from Cowden Clarke to Lilian Hughes mentions visits from Hughes' relatives: her Uncle Edward John Broadfield and her brother Alfred Hughes. Also discusses Sir Thomas Lawrence's painting of Mrs Siddons. Letter dated 27 Oct 1882. Cowden Clarke thanks Lilian Hughes for sending her photo-portrait. Discusses Hughes' recent betrothal and Cowden-Clarkes' views on marriage.
Papers of Misses E.M.& M.L.Macleod. 'Flax Picking and Government Nurseries'
W.W.Meredith (GS) Diary 25.9.14. Officer examing souvenired revolver.
Lord Strathclyde (RNMN) - Typed transcript of tape recording (Tape 364) for reference made to Fisher, Jellicoe, Churchill etc