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1 to 7 of 7 records

Total number of records: 7

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From 17005
From 18002

Count of Latest date

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Up to 17995
Up to 18992
The clinical guide, or a concise view of the leading facts, on the history, nature, and treatment of the various diseases that form the subject of midwifery : or attend the pregnant, parturient, and puerperal states :... to which is added an obstetrical pharmacopoeia
The clinical guide, or a concise view of the leading facts, on the history, nature, and treatment of the various diseases that form the subject of midwifery : or attend the pregnant, parturient, and puerperal states :... to which is added an obstetrical pharmacopoeia


The clinical guide; or, a concise view of the leading facts, on the history, nature, and cure of diseases : to which is subjoined, a practical pharmacopoea
The clinical guide; or, a concise view of the leading facts, on the history, nature, and cure of diseases : to which is subjoined, a practical pharmacopoea


The clinical guide; or, a concise view of the leading facts, on the history, nature, and cure of diseases : to which is subjoined, a practical pharmacopoea
The clinical guide; or, a concise view of the leading facts, on the history, nature, and cure of diseases : to which is subjoined, a practical pharmacopoea


The clinical guide, or, a concise view of the leading facts on the history, nature and treatment of such local diseases
The clinical guide, or, a concise view of the leading facts on the history, nature and treatment of such local diseases


An inquiry into the history, nature, causes, and different modes of treatment hitherto pursued, in the cure of scrophula and cancer
An inquiry into the history, nature, causes, and different modes of treatment hitherto pursued, in the cure of scrophula and cancer


First lines of the theory and practice in venereal diseases
First lines of the theory and practice in venereal diseases


The Edinburgh School of Medicine : containing the preliminary or fundamental branches of professional education, viz. anatomy, medical chemistry and botany. Intended as an introduction to the clinical guide. The whole forming a complete system of medical education and practice according to the arrangement of the Edinburgh School (v.1-4)
The Edinburgh School of Medicine : containing the preliminary or fundamental branches of professional education, viz. anatomy, medical chemistry and botany. Intended as an introduction to the clinical guide. The whole forming a complete system of medical education and practice according to the arrangement of the Edinburgh School (v.1-4)
