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1 to 24 of 311 records

Total number of records: 311

Top 10: People and organisations

People and organisationsCount
Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry311
Heath, Edward3
Heseltine, Michael3
Butler, Richard Austen3
Roussoff, A.3
Maude, Judy & Maude, Christopher2
Longden, Gilbert2
Macaulay, G.R.2
Macmillan, Maurice Harold2
Mcnair-Wilson, Michael2

Sender: Alport, Cuthbert James McCall

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 1

Date(s): 11 Jul 1960

Location: SC 709/839

Note: EFTA Convention and Commonwealth trade.

Sender: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Recipient: Butler, Richard Austen

Letters: 2

Date(s): 9 Feb 1953 - 18 Feb 1953

Location: SC 709/821, 823

Note: 1) Anxious about RAB's speech in the debate on the Commonwealth

Economic Conference. 3 ff. Copy. 2) Suggests public statement to clear up misunderstanding. 2 ff. Copy.

Sender: Butler, Richard Austen

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 1

Date(s): 16 Feb 1953

Location: SC 709/822

Note: Clarifies his speech. 3 ff. Copy.

Sender: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Recipient: Diefenbaker, George John

Letters: 1

Date(s): 9 Jul 1957

Location: SC 709/827

Note: Encloses "The Rule of Reciprocity". 2 ff. Copy.

Sender: Heath, Edward

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 3

Date(s): 12 Jan 1962 - 8 Mar 1962

Location: SC 709/844, 847, 848

Note: 1) US attitude to British Common Market negotiations. 2)

Acknowledgment. 3) Reply on behalf of Lord Home, rejecting

HDW's proposals as an alternative to Common Market entry.

Sender: Heathcote-Amory, Derick

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 1

Date(s): 30 Dec 1959

Location: SC 709/837

Note: Methods of export finance.

Sender: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Recipient: Drummond-Wolff, Henry Maxence Cavendish

Letters: 31

Date(s): 25 Mar 1957 - 28 Aug 1972

Location: SC 709/198, 199, 202, 205, 208, 247, 263, 270, 278, 283, 310,

328, 376, 381, 382, 387, 389, 401, 412, 416, 422, 445, 446, 479,

480, 483, 486.1, 504, 505, 515, 559

Note: 1) Encloses copy of letter sent to Rt. Hon. Sir David Eccles. 2) Detailed criticism of memorandum on trade. 3) Attitude towards bi-lateralism. 4) Meeting with Diefenbaker. 5) International trade negotiations. 6) Reapprochement between Eire and the Commonwealth; Eire unlikely to join Common Market. 7) Summit Conference failure. 8) Changing attitudes to the EEC. 9) Ways to further the "cause". MS. 2 ff. 10) Forthcoming Tory Conference. 11) Discussion with Rt. Hon. Edward Heath about Common Market negotiations. 2 ff. 12) Gaitskell's speech on television. MS. 2 ff. 13) Short discussion with the Prime Minister. Copy. 14) Meeting with R.A. Butler. 15) Discussion with R.A. Butler. MS. 16) Nehru's death etc. MS. 2 ff. 17) Opposition to the United Nations and to disarmament. MS. 2 ff. 18) Points from new edition of "The Commonwealth". 19) Current political news. MS. 2 ff. 20) Requests permission to send a copy of the new edition of "The
Commonwealth" to Christopher Soames. MS. 21) Correspondence with Jock Colville of Hill Samuel. MS. 2 ff. 22) New edition of "The Commonwealth" the best so far. 23) Possibility of HDW speaking to a Commons sub-committee. MS. 24) Meeting with Rt. Hon. Sir Keith Joseph. 2 ff. 25) Reply from Geoffrey Rippon about paper on Ireland. MS. 26) Possible referendum on British entry into the Common Market. MS. 2 ff. 27) Appointment as Chairman of 1922 Committee; death of Rt. Hon. Iain McLeod. MS. 3 ff. 28) Distribution of HDW's

publication. MS. 29) Response to HDW's latest document. MS.

30) Unwilling regonition of no alternative to British entry. MS. 3 ff. 31) Analysis of events preceding British entry and possible consequences. MS. 6 ff.

Sender: Drummond-Wolff, Henry Maxence Cavendish

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 1

Date(s): 18 Oct 1970

Location: SC 709/789

Note: UNCTAD and the Commonwealth. MS.

Sender: Gascoyne-Cecil, James Edward Hubert, 4th Marquis of Salisbury

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 1

Date(s): 7 Aug 1952

Location: SC 709/820

Note: Acknowledgment.

Sender: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Recipient: Editor of "The Times"

Letters: 2

Date(s): 17 Sep 1962 - 13 Oct 1967

Location: SC 709/849, 858

Note: 1) Critical of letter published from Lord Eccles. 4 ff. Copy.

With cutting from "The Times" of Lord Eccles' letter. 2)

Commonwealth trade and the Common Market. 3 ff. Copy. (849a,

newspaper cutting of letter as printed)

Sender: Rippon, Aubrey Geoffrey Frederick

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 1

Date(s): 31 Dec 1970

Location: SC 709/865

Note: Acknowledgment. Photocopy.

Sender: Kirkwood, Arthur

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 1

Date(s): 12 Jul 1954

Location: SC MS 742/33

Sender: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Recipient: Ward, S.T.

Letters: 1

Date(s): 30 Jan 1958

Location: SC MS 742/45

Note: This letter is a carbon-copy, concerning Conservative fiscal and

economic policy.

Sender: Warner, Edward

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 5

Date(s): 26 Feb 1964 - 14 Aug 1964

Location: SC MS 742/60, 64, 65, 66, 67

Note: 1) TS Attached: Report on four election briefing meetings. 3 ff.

TS carbon. 2) Attached: select press-cuttings for use in election campaign. 5 ff. TS. 3) TS. 4) About an election broadsheet. 2 ff. TS. 5) TS.

Sender: Thurlow, R.F.G.

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 1

Date(s): 15 Oct 1964

Location: SC MS 742/79

Note: About arrangements for declaring the result of the poll. 2 ff. TS. Sender is clerk to Isle of Ely County Council.

Sender: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Recipient: Warner, Edward

Letters: 2

Date(s): 28 Oct 1964 - 20 Mar 1967

Location: SC MS 742/82, 773

Note: 1) 3ff. TS carbon-copy. 2) TS carbon.

Sender: Scott, Cynthia

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 1

Date(s): 28 Oct 1964

Location: SC MS 742/83

Note: About televising the campaign. TS.

Sender: Hankey, Cyril Patrick, Dean of Ely

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 1

Date(s): 29 Oct 1964

Location: SC MS 742/84

Note: MS.

Sender: Carter, Doreen

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 1

Date(s): 8 Nov 1964

Location: SC MS 742/86

Note: In appreciation of Canadian TV programme. MS. Attached: a congratulations card.

Sender: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Recipient: Brittain, Don

Letters: 2

Date(s): 29 Dec 1964

Location: SC MS 742/88

Note: About the election programme on Canadian TV. Carbon copy. 2 ff.

Sender: Heath, Edward

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 4

Date(s): 4 Feb 1957 - 19 Feb 1970

Location: SC MS 742/102, 114, 270, 625, 788

Note: 1) On regional policy groups. 2) About the report of the East of

England regional policy group. TS. 3) Acknowledgement. TS. 4) Requests a meeting (subject matter unstated, but letter found among Middle East papers). TS. 5) TS.

Sender: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Recipient: Heath, Edward

Letters: 4

Date(s): 30 Nov 1966 - 18 Oct 1971

Location: SC MS 742/103, 786, 880, 881

Note: 1) On regional policy groups. TS. carbon. 2) TS. carbon. 3) 2 ff. MS draft of 881. 4) 2 ff. TS duplicated.

Sender: Gower, P.G.

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 1

Date(s): 29 Jan 1969

Location: SC MS 742/126

Note: About a meeting of prospective Conservative candidates for the

Eastern area. 5 ff. TS.

Sender: Sells, David

Recipient: Legge-Bourke, Sir Harry

Letters: 1

Date(s): 6 Feb [1969]

Location: SC MS 742/128

Note: In connection with item 742/126.