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1 to 12 of 55 records

Total number of records: 55

Count of Collection group

Collection groupCount
Brotherton Collection53
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse53
Letters Database2

Top 10: People and organisations

People and organisationsCount
Pope, Alexander55
Mr Pope13
Mr Pope; [Bible]3
Idem Ibid [I.E.Pope'S Homer Book 5]2
Mr. Pope1
Pope In His Trans. of Homer; [Greek]1
Pope'S Homer Book 20th1
The Same [I.E. Mr Pope]; [Greek]1

Title: Motto

Author: Pope, Alexander

Attribution: Pope's Universal Prayer

Date(s): 1715

Manuscript: Lt 96

Contents: The final stanza of Alexander Pope's "Universal Prayer", urging praise of God, appended to James Merrick's "Benedicite"

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Sender: Pope, Alexander

Recipient: Bethell, Hugh

Letters: 1

Date(s): [1744]

Location: BC MS Lt. q 15 Safe

Note: Failing health (shortly before death). Own doctor(s?) disagree with recipient's Yorkshire doctor Thompson. Has had and read "the Bishop's book". n.p. quarto, 2pp. Dictated, signature uncertain.

Title: Boetius, de Consol. Philos. Lib.3, Met.9, p.99

Author: Pope, Alexander

Date(s): 1703 or 1704 ?

Manuscript: Lt 16

Contents: Prayer to God as creator and source of reason, for inspiration, strength and

comfort. Translated from Boethius, Consolation of Philosophy, III.9. Cf.

BCMSV 1253.

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Sender: Lyttelton, George

Recipient: Pope, Alexander

Letters: 6

Date(s): 4 Dec 1736 - 7 Nov 1741

Location: BC MS Lt 113

Title: On Voiture the French witt

Author: Pope, Alexander

Attribution: Pope

Date(s): 1712 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 15

Contents: Extract from Alexander Pope's "Epistle to Miss Blount with the works

of Voiture", praising the French writer's unconventional wit, humour and

literary skill

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Title: To the author of a poem entituled Successio

Author: Pope, Alexander

Attribution: Mr Pope

Date(s): 1712 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 20

Contents: Satire on the dullness and small literary ability of Elkanah Settle

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Title: Epitaph design'd for Mr Rowe in Westminster Abbey. To the memory of Nicholas

Rowe Esq. his wife erected this monument

Author: Pope, Alexander

Attribution: Mr Pope

Date(s): 1718

Manuscript: Lt 20

Contents: Epitaph on Nicholas Rowe's monument in Westminster Abbey, praising him

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Title: On silence, in imitation of the style of the late E. of R.

Author: Pope, Alexander

Date(s): 1712 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 20

Contents: On the place of silence in the history of the universe and in wordly affairs,

generally praising it, imitating "Upon Nothing" by John Wilmot, Earl of

Rochester. Lightly satirical.

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Title: To a young lady under the name of Zephalinda on her leaving the town after

the coronation

Author: Pope, Alexander

Date(s): 1714

Manuscript: Lt 20

Contents: On a young woman (Teresa Blount) sad to exchange the flirtatious pleasures of

London town, after the coronation of George I, for the monotony of the

country, describing the life she might lead there

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Title: Epitaph made on two lovers struck dead with one flash of lightning as they

were at work in the fields near Oxford

Author: Pope, Alexander

Attribution: Mr Pope

Date(s): 1718

Manuscript: Lt 20

Contents: Epitaph on John Hewet and Sarah Drew of Stanton Harcourt, two lovers killed

simultaneously by lightning when harvesting, praising their virtue

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Title: A version of the first psalm for the use of a young lady

Author: Pope, Alexander

Attribution: [Bible]

Date(s): 1716 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 35

Contents: Facetious advice to young women on gaining good husbands by shunning

wantonness, parodying Thomas Sternhold's translation of Psalm 1

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Title: Messiah. A sacred eclogue.

Author: Pope, Alexander

Attribution: Mr Pope; [Bible]

Date(s): 1712 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem joyfully anticipating the birth of Christ, based on passages

from Isaiah; imitating Virgil's fourth Pastoral, or Eclogue

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