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1 to 12 of 20 records

Total number of records: 20

Count of Collection group

Collection groupCount
Brotherton Collection20
Medieval Manuscripts20

Top 10: Subject

virgin mary3
passion of christ1
manuscripts, latin (medieval and modern)1
god the father1
books of hours1
king david1
Archive Piece:
BC MS 10/1
[ca. 1480-1500]
This full page miniature shows the Virgin Mary holding the Christ-Child between pillars within a classical arch. Above them God the Father is blessing and holding the orb. On either side of him is a r...
Archive Item:
BC MS 10
[ca. 1480-1500]
Decoration: 4 full-page arched miniatures within borders decorated with flowers, curled leaves, berries and putti. There are fine 3 to 4-line illuminated initials, on gold grounds and infilled with fl...
Archive Piece:
BC MS 10/2
[ca. 1480-1500]
4-line initial in purple-pink, gold, blue and green with white penwork decoration. Three-sided border of flowers, leaves and gold discs with concentric penwork tendrils.
Archive Piece:
BC MS 10/3
[ca. 1480-1500]
4-line initial in blue and gold, infilled with a pink and yellow flower, with white penwork decoration. Three-sided border of flowers, leaves and gold discs with concentric penwork tendrils.
Archive Piece:
BC MS 10/4
[ca. 1480-1500]
4-line initial in pink, gold, blue and green, infilled with a blue flower, with white penwork decoration. Three-sided border of flowers, leaves and gold discs with concentric penwork tendrils.
Archive Piece:
BC MS 10/5
[ca. 1480-1500]
4-line initial in blue and gold, infilled with a pink and yellow flower, with white penwork decoration. Three-sided border of flowers, leaves and gold discs with concentric penwork tendrils.
Archive Piece:
BC MS 10/6
[ca. 1480-1500]
4-line initial in pink, gold, blue and green, infilled with a blue flower, with white penwork decoration. Three-sided border of flowers, leaves and gold discs with concentric penwork tendrils.
Archive Piece:
BC MS 10/7
[ca. 1480-1500]
4-line initial in blue and gold, infilled with a pink and a purple flower, with white penwork decoration. Three-sided border of flowers, leaves and gold discs with concentric penwork tendrils.
Archive Piece:
BC MS 10/8
[ca. 1480-1500]
4-line initial in blue and gold, infilled with a pink flower, with white penwork decoration. Three-sided border of flowers, leaves and gold discs with concentric penwork tendrils.
Archive Piece:
BC MS 10/9
[ca. 1480-1500]
The large arched miniature depicts the crucifixion of Christ, with the Virgin Mary on the left and St. John on the right. Blood pours from Christ's wounds. The scene is set in a rocky landscape with a...
Archive Piece:
BC MS 10/10
[ca. 1480-1500]
2-line initial in pink, red and gold, infilled with a blue flower, and with white penwork decoration. On the left, a column border decorated with flowers, leaves and gold discs with concentric penwork...
Archive Piece:
BC MS 10/11
[ca. 1480-1500]
3-line initial in pink, red and gold, infilled with a blue leaf, and with white penwork decoration. On the left, a column border decorated with flowers, leaves and gold discs with concentric penwork t...