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Brotherton Collection4
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse4

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A Gentleman4
Addison, Joseph1

Title: Verses written by a gentleman on finding an urn

Author: Anonymous

Attribution: A gentleman

Date(s): 1742

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem in which a dead man teaches that his earthly status is

unknowable as all are equal in the grave and that virtue is more important

than ambition and vanity

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Title: Verses made by a gentleman just before his going to prison, on seeing his

child asleep in its cradle

Author: Anonymous

Attribution: A gentleman

Date(s): 174- or 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Reflections by a widowed father, bound for prison, on the peaceful sleep of

his innocent child, sleep unavailable to the sinful, trusting in God to send

them some relief

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Title: A divine ode made by a gentleman at the conclusion of his travels

Author: Addison, Joseph

Attribution: A gentleman

Date(s): 1712 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 84

Contents: Religious poem of thanksgiving to God for safe-keeping during foreign travels, particularly a storm at sea. From "Spectator", 489.

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Title: A gentleman on the late anniversary of his wedding day presented his wife

with a ring & the following lines

Author: Anonymous

Attribution: A gentleman

Date(s): 178- ?

Manuscript: Lt 11

Contents: In praise of the maturer virtues that his wife has added to the qualities she

possessed as a bride, pledging continued love with a second ring

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