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Brotherton Collection4
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse4

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Bishop, Samuel4
Samuel Bishop2
A Gentleman (Heading)1
'By the Revd Mr. Bishop, of Merchant-Taylors School Head-Master In 1788' (At End)1

Title: Verses sent by a gentleman to his lady with a present of a knife

Author: Bishop, Samuel

Attribution: A gentleman (heading)

Date(s): 1796 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 100

Contents: Witty elaboration on the consequences of a knife 'cutting through' the love of the poet and his lady.

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Title: Sent by a Gentleman to his Lady, with a Present of a Knife

Author: Bishop, Samuel

Attribution: 'By the Revd Mr. Bishop, of Merchant-Taylors School Head-Master in 1788' (at end)

Date(s): 173-?

Manuscript: Lt 104

Contents: Witty elaboration on the consequences of a knife 'cutting through' the love of the poet and his lady. In Crum the title is 'Verses with a Present of a Knife'

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Title: By the same sent to his Wife with a Pocket looking Glass

Author: Bishop, Samuel

Attribution: Samuel Bishop

Date(s): 1788 (in title)

Manuscript: Lt 104

Contents: Epistolary poem sent with the present of a pocket looking glass to the poet's wife, called Molly, extolling her beauty and virtues. Cf. BCMSV 6400.

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Title: Extempore by the same to the Reverend Mr. Taylor, on meeting at his House, the Dean of Bristol, Dr. Barton, and the Reverend Mr. Fayling - both labouring under the Misfortune of an almost total Privation of Sight

Author: Bishop, Samuel

Attribution: Samuel Bishop

Date(s): 178-?

Manuscript: Lt 104

Contents: Lines in praise of some meritorious friends (Mr. Taylor, Dr. Barton, Mr. Fayling - all clergymen) who are almost blind

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