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Brotherton Collection4
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse4

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Hill, Aaron4
[The Plain Dealer], Vol.2; [Bible]1
[The Plain Dealer, Vol.2]1
[The Plain Dealer, Vol.1]; [Bible]1

Title: The 104th psalm paraphrased

Author: Hill, Aaron

Attribution: [The Plain Dealer, vol.1]; [Bible]

Date(s): 1724 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 67

Contents: Religious poem on the glories of God's creation, praising his works and power; paraphrasing Psalm 104. Transcribed from "The Plain Dealer", no.74, 4 December 1724. Seemingly an earlier version of the poem printed in Hill's "Works", IV, 1753 ("Let

my exa

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Title: The song of Moses on passing the Red Sea

Author: Hill, Aaron

Attribution: [The Plain Dealer], vol.2; [Bible]

Date(s): 1725 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 67

Contents: Religious poem, Moses' song of praise and thanksgiving to God after the Israelites' safe crossing of the Red Sea and the drowning of Pharaoh and the Egyptians; paraphrasing Exodus 15. Transcribed from "The Plain Dealer", no.95, 15 February 1725.


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Title: Upon life and death

Author: Hill, Aaron

Attribution: [The Plain Dealer, vol.2]

Date(s): 1725 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 67

Contents: Religious poem, accepting that there is still useful work to be done during earthly life while awaiting God's call to heaven. Transcribed from "The Plain Dealer", no.111, 12 April 1725. Seemingly an earlier version of the final section of Hill's

"The Judg

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Title: The amorous scrutiny

Author: Hill, Aaron

Date(s): 1753 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 110

Contents: Analysis of the contradictory nature of love, able to cause grief and suffering as well as happiness

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