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Total number of records: 4

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Brotherton Collection4
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse4

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Madan, Judith4
Mrs. M-D-N--- (Verso of Preceding Leaf)1
Mrs Madden1
Mrs Cowper1

Title: [unknown]

Author: Madan, Judith

Date(s): 1720

Manuscript: Lt q 32

Contents: The story of Abelard and Heloise, imperfect at the beginning where leaves have been lost.

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Title: Verses written by Mrs Cowper in her brother's Coke upon Littleton

Author: Madan, Judith

Attribution: Mrs Cowper

Date(s): 1721

Manuscript: Lt q 20

Contents: Advice to a brother, written in his copy of Sir Edward Coke's legal textbook

(commenting on Sir Thomas Littleton's Tenures), to persevere with his studies

so that he will later achieve prominence in the law

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Title: Abelard to Eloisa

Author: Madan, Judith

Attribution: Mrs. M-d-n--- (verso of preceding leaf)

Date(s): 1720

Manuscript: Lt 119

Contents: The story of Abelard and Heloise

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Title: Written by Mrs Madden daughter to Spenser Cowper, upon reading a poem call'd

Sarah to Lothario, reflecting on her father

Author: Madan, Judith

Attribution: Mrs Madden

Date(s): 1727 ?

Manuscript: Lt 12

Contents: Attack on the malice and heartlessness of the unnamed author (probably the

dramatist Charles Buckingham) of a poem reviving the slanderous suggestion

that the newly deceased judge Spencer Cowper had, when young, murdered the

Quaker Sarah Stout.

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