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1 to 12 of 19 records

Total number of records: 19

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Brotherton Collection19
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse19

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Mrs Rowe19
Rowe, Elizabeth18
Rowe, Elizabeth ?1

Title: Devout soliloquies. Soliloquy 1

Author: Rowe, Elizabeth

Attribution: Mrs Rowe

Date(s): 1739 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem in praise of God the creator

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Title: On the works of creation

Author: Rowe, Elizabeth

Attribution: Mrs Rowe

Date(s): 1739 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem in praise of God the creator. Slightly abridged.

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Title: On the divine goodness

Author: Rowe, Elizabeth

Attribution: Mrs Rowe

Date(s): 1739 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem in praise of the goodness of God

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Title: Exodus 3. 14. I am that I am.

Author: Rowe, Elizabeth

Attribution: Mrs Rowe

Date(s): 1739 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem in praise of God

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Title: A song of praise

Author: Rowe, Elizabeth

Attribution: Mrs Rowe

Date(s): 1739 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem in praise of God the comforter

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Title: On the divine veracity

Author: Rowe, Elizabeth ?

Attribution: Mrs Rowe

Date(s): 173- ?

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem afirming the perfect truth and unchangeability of God's word

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Title: On love

Author: Rowe, Elizabeth

Attribution: Mrs Rowe

Date(s): 1739 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem in praise of God's love apparent in all creation

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Title: Seraphic love

Author: Rowe, Elizabeth

Attribution: Mrs Rowe

Date(s): 1704 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem in praise of God's love and the happiness of heaven

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Title: The submission

Author: Rowe, Elizabeth

Attribution: Mrs Rowe

Date(s): 1739 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem of devotion to God

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Title: The resignation

Author: Rowe, Elizabeth

Attribution: Mrs Rowe

Date(s): 1739 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem of commitment to God and rejection of the life of the world,

anticipating the happiness of heaven

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Title: The wish

Author: Rowe, Elizabeth

Attribution: Mrs Rowe

Date(s): 1739 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem wishing that life might consist entirely of happiness

resulting from devotion to God

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Title: A dialogue between the fallen angels and a human spirit just entred into the

other world

Author: Rowe, Elizabeth

Attribution: Mrs Rowe

Date(s): 1704 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Dialogue after death between a soul condemned to hell for a single sin, and

the devils, or fallen angels, who enticed him; lamenting the loss of heaven

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