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Brotherton Collection4
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse4

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Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury4
Sr: C--- H--- W---Ms (Verso of Preceding Leaf)2
Sr. C- H- W-Ms (Verso of Preceding Leaf)1
Sir C- H- W-Ms (Verso of Preceding Leaf)1

Title: An ode from Ld. Bath to ambition, 1745/6. [Latin epigraph from Horace]

Author: Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury

Attribution: Sir C- H- W-ms (verso of preceding leaf)

Date(s): 1746 (title)

Manuscript: Lt 119

Contents: Written by Sir Charles Hanbury Williams as Lord Bath, talking about ambition, how it had changed him and the sacrifices he had made to obtain power.

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Title: A new ode. To a great number of great men newly made. 1742. [Latin epigraph]

Author: Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury

Attribution: Sr. C- H- W-ms (verso of preceding leaf)

Date(s): 1742 (title)

Manuscript: Lt 119

Contents: Satirising several gentlemen with new titles.

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Title: An Ode To the Rt: Honble: Henry F--- [Latin epigraph], 1746

Author: Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury

Attribution: Sr: C--- H--- W---ms (verso of preceding leaf)

Date(s): 1746 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 119

Contents: Lighthearted verses on the marriage of Isabella, Duchess of Manchester, to Edward Hussey, consoling Henry Fox and other supposedly disappointed suitors, with some satire of the Irish

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Title: Epitaph. Inscribed on Mr: Winnington's Monument in Stamford Church Worcestershire. 1750.

Author: Williams, Sir Charles Hanbury

Attribution: Sr: C--- H--- W---ms (verso of preceding leaf)

Date(s): 1746? 1750?

Manuscript: Lt 119

Contents: Epitaph, praising Mr Winnington's genius, wit, greatness and amiability, taken from a momument in Stamford church, Worcestershire

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