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Total number of records: 4

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Brotherton Collection4
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse4

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Wyvill, Mrs C.4
Mrs C. W-Y-Ll2
A Lady; Mrs C. W-Ll (Written Below)1
Mrs C. Wyville1

Title: From Mrs C. Wyville May 27 1794. To be presented to Miss Wyvill the day she compleats her sixth year by her aunt and godmother

Author: Wyvill, Mrs C.

Attribution: Mrs C. Wyville

Date(s): 1794 (heading)

Manuscript: Lt 100

Contents: Addressed to a young girl, a member of the Wyvill family, on her sixth birthday and looking ahead to her life to come and eventual death

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Title: Verses in Answer to those on Sensibility

Author: Wyvill, Mrs C.

Attribution: Mrs C. W-y-ll

Date(s): 179-?

Manuscript: Lt 100

Contents: Asks what is the middle ground between the extremes of stoicism and sensibility, or over-sensitivity, detailed in the previous poem, BCMSV 6139. Answers that it is religious reason which mediates between the two

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Title: To the Memory of Mr Howard

Author: Wyvill, Mrs C.

Attribution: Mrs C. W-y-ll

Date(s): 1790?

Manuscript: Lt 100

Contents: Praising the life and deeds of the philanthropist and prison reformer, John Howard, following his death; begins with the poet questioning her ability to write on so great a subject

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Title: May 20th 1790. Verses addressed to Mrs W-ll

Author: Wyvill, Mrs C.

Attribution: A Lady; Mrs C. W-ll (written below)

Date(s): 1790 (heading)

Manuscript: Lt 100

Contents: A verse portrait of Mrs Wyvill's two daughters, praising a variety of virtues present in the two girls, and comparing them to nature's beauties, such as the lily and the rose, stressing above all the necessity of modesty. Addressed to their mother,


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