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Total number of records: 5

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Brotherton Collection5
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse5

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Yonge, Sir William5
The Same, I.E. Sir William Younge1
Sir Wm Yonge1
Sir William Younge; Lady Walpole1
Sir William Younge1

Title: Bouts rimez given to Sir William Younge by Lady Walpole

Author: Yonge, Sir William

Attribution: Sir William Younge; Lady Walpole

Date(s): 1729 (published)

Manuscript: Lt q 20

Contents: Suggestive love poem urging present enjoyment, taking Adam and Eve as

examples. Elsewhere entitled "Verses made at crambo", referring to the

recreation of one partner supplying rhymes to lines provided by another.

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Title: On Lord Hervey's daughter a day old, in imitation of Mr Philips

Author: Yonge, Sir William

Attribution: Sir William Younge

Date(s): 172- or 173-

Manuscript: Lt q 20

Contents: In praise of a new-born baby girl, one of the daughters of John, Lord Hervey

and his wife, the former Mary Lepell, wishing her well. Imitating the style

of Ambrose Philips.

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Title: To the ladies at Oxborough extempore from Houghton ... 1732:

Author: Yonge, Sir William

Attribution: The same, i.e. Sir William Younge

Date(s): 1732 (title)

Manuscript: Lt q 20

Contents: Conversational account, apparently in response to a request, of a house party

of ministers, society men and women, and foreign dignatories assembled at

Houghton, the country residence of Sir Robert Walpole, praising him. With

explanatory notes about peopl

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Title: On the loss of an eye by a blow of a tennes-ball

Author: Yonge, Sir William

Attribution: Sir Wm Yonge

Date(s): 174- ?

Manuscript: Lt 93

Contents: Lamenting the loss of an eye after being hit by a tennis ball, but reassuring himself that he can still appreciate the charms of his beloved

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Yonge, Sir William

Date(s): 1729 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 9

Contents: Suggestive love poem urging present enjoyment, taking Adam and Eve as

example. Elsewhere entitled "Verses made at crambo", i.e., it seems, having

rhymes supplied by one partner to lines by another.

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