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Brotherton Collection29
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse29

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Tunstall, William29
Wm Tunstall1
Will. Tonstall1

Title: On Creeches hanging himself because the person he courted refused to marry


Author: Tunstall, William

Attribution: Wm Tunstall

Date(s): 170- ?

Manuscript: Lt 7

Contents: On the death by suicide of the poet turned clergyman Thomas Creech, comparing

his fate with that of the classical writer Lucretius whom he had translated

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BC MS Lt q 65, f.28r: The opening of William Tunstall's poem
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Miscellany of twenty-four original poems, attributed to William Tunstall.

Tunstall, William


Contains 24 English poems relating to contemporary family and state events.

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Title: A Sonnet address'd to Sir James Macdonald

Author: Tunstall, William

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt q 65

Contents: Introduction to the poetic miscellany, and invocation of the poet's muse, addressed to and flattering Sir James Macdonald

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Title: Directions to Reynolds for the Picture of Miss

Author: Tunstall, William

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt q 65

Contents: Directions to Joshua Reynolds, encouraging him to paint the poet's beloved naked rather than clothed, and in a natural style, so as to bring out her full beauty

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Title: An Ode to Venus Translated from Sappho

Author: Tunstall, William

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt q 65

Contents: Ode addressed to Venus (goddess of love), spoken by a woman, beseeching her to make her lover return her affections

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Title: A Sonnet address'd to John Stepney Esq.

Author: Tunstall, William

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt q 65

Contents: Sonnet on the difficulty of achieving happiness

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Title: A Sonnet address'd to William Philip Perrin Esq. written when sick

Author: Tunstall, William

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt q 65

Contents: On the happiness of the author's friendship with William Perrin, his former schoolfriend at Eton

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Title: To the Same [Sonnets to William Philip Perrin Esq.]

Author: Tunstall, William

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt q 65

Contents: On the author's friendship with William Perrin. Cf. BCMSV 6532

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Title: An Imitation from Horace. Odes 27th Book, the First

Author: Tunstall, William

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt q 65

Contents: Imitation of Horace, Odes, I.27; satirical lines on the perils of excessive drinking

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Title: On the Birth of the Prince of Wales

Author: Tunstall, William

Date(s): 1762 ?

Manuscript: Lt q 65

Contents: On the birth of the Prince of Wales, probably the future George IV, in 1762, and contemporary political events, including the Seven Years War

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Title: The Protestation Address'd to Miss

Author: Tunstall, William

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt q 65

Contents: Protestation of love, addressed to the poet's beloved

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Title: A Sonnet on the Present War

Author: Tunstall, William

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt q 65

Contents: Glorifying a war being fought by Britain in the mid-eighteenth century, presumably the Seven Years War

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