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1 to 6 of 6 records

Total number of records: 6

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Collection groupCount
Brotherton Collection6
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse6

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People and organisationsCount
Graham, Richard, Viscount Preston6
The Right Honourable Richard Lord Viscount Preston, Printed1
Sir R.G. (Verso); [Latin]1
Rich: Grahme; [Latin]1
Sir R. Grahme (F.34v)1
The poems of Boetius made English


The praises of a country life in irregular stanzas. To his worthy freind John Gibson Esq. being a paraphrase upon the 2d epode of Horace [Latin epigraph]. [Sir R. Grahme's paper to me, 1678 (f.30v)]


Pompey. A Pindarique ode.


To heaven. In imitation of the XXXIst ode of the first book of Horace which begins thus [Latin epigraph]


The nativitie [Sir R. Grahme on the Nativity of ..., A poem (f.34v)]


Quisquis composito - in Boetius, englished by Sir R.G. (verso)
