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1 to 4 of 4 records

Total number of records: 4

Count of People and organisations

People and organisationsCount
Jarvis, D. B4
Jarvis, S D4
Jarvis, D B4
Great Britain. Royal Navy1
Great Britain. Army1
Great Britain. Royal Air Force1
Officers who died in the service of British, Indian and East African regiments and corps, 1914-1919


Officers who died in the service of the Royal Navy, Royal Navy Reserve, Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve, Royal Marines, Royal Naval Air Service and Royal Air Force, 1914-1919


Officers who died in the service of British Commonwealth and colonial navies, regiments and corps and air forces, 1914-1919


Non-commissioned officers, men, and women of the United Kingdom, Commonwealth and Empire who died in the service of the Royal Navy, Royal Marines, Royal Naval Air Service, Royal Flying Corp and the Royal Air Force, 1914-1921 : including the Commonwealth Navies and Air Forces
