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1 to 3 of 3 records

Total number of records: 3

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Top 10: People and organisations

People and organisationsCount
Cooper, Astley3
Cooper, Sir Astley (1768-1841)3
Jones, Charles Williams (1905-1989)1
Lawrence, Sir William (1783-1867)1
Lawrence, William1
Syder, Charles Mingay1
Green, Joseph Henry (1791-1863)1
Green, Joseph Henry1
Abernethy, John1
Abernethy, John (1764-1831)1
A manual of surgery : founded upon the principles and practice lately taught by Sir Astley Cooper and Joseph Henry Green


A series of lectures on the most approved principles and practice of modern surgery; principally derived from the lectures delivered by Astley Cooper... at the united hospitals of Guy and St. Thomas, and in which will be found some of the opinions of the most celebrated surgeons, from the time of Hunter, to the present moment ; interspersed with numerous cases
A series of lectures on the most approved principles and practice of modern surgery; principally derived from the lectures delivered by Astley Cooper... at the united hospitals of Guy and St. Thomas, and in which will be found some of the opinions of the most celebrated surgeons, from the time of Hunter, to the present moment ; interspersed with numerous cases


New London surgical pocket-book : (medical, operative, and mechanical,) founded on the popular lectures and works of Mr. Abernethy, Sir Astley Cooper, Mr. Lawrence, and other distinguished surgeons... including an adapted pharmacopoeia
New London surgical pocket-book : (medical, operative, and mechanical,) founded on the popular lectures and works of Mr. Abernethy, Sir Astley Cooper, Mr. Lawrence, and other distinguished surgeons... including an adapted pharmacopoeia
