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Ward, John Towers2
Beckwith, Frank2

Sender: Ward, John Towers

Recipient: Beckwith, Frank

Letters: 25

Date(s): 18 Jun 1955 - 19 Nov 1963

Location: SC 622/562, 570, 571, 699, 700, 703, 726, 729, 731, 735, 741,

751, 783, 785, 814, 815, 817, 838, 839, 840, 843, 848, 852, 876,


Note: 1) His research. Post-card. 2) Books from the Leeds Library. 3)

A bibliographical reference. 4) Seeks information on William Aldam, M.P. for Leeds, 1841-7. 5) Miscellaneous points on books

and authorship. TS. 6) Miscellaneous; Professor Turberville's papers. TS. 7) His research and other matters. TS. 8) Requests FB's criticism of his essay on Sadler. TS. 9) His essay on Sadler;

Robert Baker, Matthew Balme and Factory Inspectorate; history of

the working class; opinion of G.D.H Cole. 10) Suggested ammendments to his essay on Sadler; rejection of his paper on Aldam by Thoresby Society; G.D.H Cole. TS 11) Forwarding a paper on Stephens. 12) Forwarding papers; dates in Leeds. 13) Sending an offprint. 14) Miscellaneous; 19c Leeds Liberals; his research.

TS. 15) His research; book on the factory movement accepted by

Macmillans. 16) Leeds and the factory movement; his book; teaching and research. TS. 17) G. Kitson Clark; offprints; research on Norfolk MSS. at Sheffield; appointments to York University. TS. 18) Forwarding an offprint on William Aldam; progress with his book. 19) FB's corrections to proofs of his book on the factory movement. 20) Thanks for further corrections; reflections on writing his book. TS. 21) Index to his book; reviews of it. 22) Forwarding a paper; application to University of York. 23) His reviews; comments on E.P. Thompson; application to York University. TS. 24) Forwarding an offprint; his removal to the University of Strathclyde. 25) Enclosing an offprint; his latest project. TS.

Sender: Ward, John Towers

Recipient: Beckwith, Frank

Letters: 19

Date(s): 25 Sep 1964 - 5 Apr 1968

Location: SC 622/941, 949, 950, 951, 954, 964, 965, 1010, 1012, 1020,

1081, 1082, 1087, 1092, 1135, 1164, 1166, 1168, 1169

Note: 1) Reference to a paper on Robert Baker. TS. 2) His work; appreciation of FB's help. TS. 3) Miscellaneous; loan from Leeds

Library. TS. 4) Research on Lancashire Baptists. TS. 5) Forwarding an offprint; gifts from FB and Dr. Chaloner. TS. 6) An offprint on Squire Auty; his other work. TS. 7) Miscellaneous; Cedric Collyer; H. K. Black. TS. 8) His work; seeks guidance on Baptist attitude to 1843 Factory Bill. 9) Further on Baptists and politics; Yorkshire men in North America. 10) His research 11) Sending an offprint; recommending a research student, R.D. Storch to call on FB. 12) Miscellaneous on his work and others in his field. 13) Personal; progress of his research and writing. 14) Personal; his own work; university attitudes towards research; seeks reference to a quotation. 15) Personal; work on the factory system. 16) Seeks help in connection with a proposed book on the factory system. 17) Thanks for advice on the literature of the factory system. TS. 18) Misconceptions about 19c factories. 19) Thanks for notes on Robert Baker.