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1 to 6 of 6 records

Total number of records: 6

Top 10: Place

Nusa Tenggara Timur6
South Central Timor1
Timor Tengah Selatan1
Lio, Flores1
Flores Island1
Flores Or Timor Tengah Selatan1
ITC 2022.1
late 20th Century
A red and black kain made up of three panels, all including warp ikat elements. There are also narrow blue, yellow and red stripes running through the material.
ITC 2022.10
c. 1995
A warp ikat shoulder wrap in browns, in a stripe and patola design. There is a central patterned striped panel between smaller stripes of dots, diamonds and triangles.
ITC 2022.276
late 20th Century
A Mau [blanket], with black, blue and red stripes. The black and red stripes contain warp ikat designs, diamonds and possibly flowers, in gold, and has tassels. It is made of either cotton or commerci...
ITC 2022.278
late 20th Century
A cotton mau (blanket) predominantly black with narrow blue stripes and broader red, green, blue and white stripes, with fringing. The broadest black stripes contain warp ikat detailing in white, in c...
ITC 2022.280
late 20th Century
A cotton mau (blanket), woven with narrow stripes of red, white, green and yellow, alternating with broader stripes of various colours with a hook-and-rhomb motif, and other geometric designs includin...
ITC 2022.281
late 20th Century
A Mau ana (literal: 'little blanket'); a sash or shawl worn around the neck, presented in gift giving ceremonies to welcome visitors. It has predominantly pink, green and black stripes with occasional...