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Brotherton Collection58
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse58

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Forrest, Theodosius58
T.F. (Title Page)56
T.F. (Title Page); [Latin]1

Title: [unknown]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Date(s): 176- or 177- ?

Manuscript: Lt 75

Contents: On the vagaries of fortune, illustrated by the reversal of fortunes of the oyster seller Nell and the pickled salmon seller Lucy

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Title: The golden mean, 1743

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1743 (title)

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Expressing desire for the happiness and peace of mind which being neither weighted with the cares of the great nor fearful of poverty brings; perhaps inspired by Horace, Odes, I.10.

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Title: On a lady frowning

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 174- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Comparing a lady's frown to clouded skies

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Title: Song

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1750

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Song on the impossibility of hiding his love or of gaining a favourable response to it; published in 1790 with a date of 1750

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Title: Song

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1749 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Love song in which the woman explains she has been making trial of her lover, feigning disdain to test his constancy; printed in 'Six new English songs'

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Title: Epitaph on Milton

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 174- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Elegiac lament on the death of John Milton, arguing that his blindness cannot be deplored since it fired his imagination; with an echo of Alexander Pope's 'Epitaph' of 1720

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Title: Acrostic

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 174- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Acrostic on the word 'satire', asserting its moral and critical function

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Title: Custom, a satire

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1747

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Satire on the concept of value, describing the tyranny of custom and fashion over virtue, merit and truth in private and public morality

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Title: The Globe of Archimedes translated from Claudian

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page); [Latin]

Date(s): 174- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the presumption and vanity of man's attempts to explain the universe and the divine creation, using the example of Archimedes; translated from Claudian

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Title: Song

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 174- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Song on the ease with which it is possible to gain the love, if not the body, of a fashionable young lady

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Title: Song

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 174- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Satirical drinking song in which the honesty of the friendship between drinkers is contrasted with the corruption of politics

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Title: Pastoral

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1751 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Pastoral love song in which a rustic swain sings the praises of the virtuous Dolly, having freed himself from the beautiful but cold Molly. Printed three times in 1751, the first time as 'A new song. Sung by Mr [John] Beard, at Ranelagh Gardens'.

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Title: Song

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Song in which a young compares her feelings at being abandoned by her lover, Strephon, with a flower deprived of sunlight

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Title: Harvest-home. Duett

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Song duet on the amorous pursuits possible after harvest

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Title: Song

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1750 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the games that two lovers play, both feigning disinterest in order to provoke the other's love; printed in 'A collection of English ballads', 1750, having been sung by John Beard

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Title: Epigram

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1753 ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the English painter Samuel Coates, and his response to the arrival in England of the Swiss artist Jean Etienne Liotard in 1753; contrasting Liotard's famously long beard with Coates's youthful beardlessness

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Title: Verses on Mr [sic] --

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Address to a lady - an old friend - with whom he has now fallen in love, arguing that it should be no surprise that his former esteem has altered in this way

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the need for platonic and physical love to be joined in a single woman, describing some who only feel one form of desire

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Urging women to secure their conquests in love by shunning inconstancy and indifference

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Title: An epistle to Hargrove, or the nunnery, a tale. 1772

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the young women at Hargrove, praising their intelligence, virtue and spirit, but urging them to improve their chances of marriage by becoming less intimidating to men

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Title: Epilogue to the Mask of Edwin

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Moral epilogue to a play, The Mask of Edwin, pointing out which are the virtuous characters and which not

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Title: The inspectors triumph

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1753

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the literary battle between John Hill ('The inspector') and Henry Fielding, making reference to Christopher Smart, Arthur Murphy and others involved in the wars of the journal wits

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Title: Addrest to Mrs --- who drew the author into a confession of his love and then demanded a copy of verses as a token of her conquest

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Criticising a woman for provoking his love when she loves another, and asserting his resistance. A later hand has inserted the name Euart into the title.

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Title: Myrtilla demanding etc [index]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On how charm must appear natural and free from affectation if it is to succeed in arousing love

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Title: Journey from Windsor to London in a letter to Tho: Sandby Esq: sent the day after I came home, 1753

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1753 (title)

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the despondency of the poet, his horse, and his companion upon leaving the company of his friend, Thomas Sandby, artist and architect

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Title: Come give your attention [index]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the inability to resist the temptation to love, since life holds no pleasures without it

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Title: Song [When o'er the mind (index)]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Song on the need to have sensible expectations of the beloved, rather than hoping for the ideal of perfection which love produces in the mind

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Title: The modish patch, occasiond by the large patches worn by the ladies 1757

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1757 (title)

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Satirical comment on the fashion for wearing large patches on the face, as if to cover large sores placed there as punishment for women's unkind behaviour towards men

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Title: The insensible

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the indifference of his beloved and of the ink with which he writes, with the result that he regains his heart

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Title: To Belinda

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On his beloved's choice of another man, lamenting the loss of time and effort spent in trying to win her love, but testifying to the worth of the man chosen

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Title: Song in Dioclesian

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1758 ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Song requesting happiness in love, perhaps sung in the 1758 revival of the dramatic opera 'The Prophetess, or, The History of Dioclesian'

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Title: Ditto [Song in Dioclesian]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1758 ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: A song of reconciliation in peacetime, after the end of war, perhaps sung in the 1758 revival of the dramatic opera 'The Prophetess, or, The History of Dioclesian'

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Title: Say soft content [index]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the journey necessary to find contentment, eventually located in his beloved's breast

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Title: Song in Dioclesian

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1758 ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the passionate desire for revenge produced by jealousy in love, perhaps sung in the 1758 revival of the dramatic opera 'The Prophetess, or, The History of Dioclesian'

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Title: In Jovial Crew [I'm in love with Kate (index)]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1760 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the progression of a love affair, a song performed in an adaptation of Richard Brome's play 'The Jovial Crew', printed in 1760

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Title: [Latin epigraph]; Extempore at the Crown at Egham

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- or 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Humorous reflection on the passage of time and its effects on youth and beauty

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Title: Voi amante [When a lover does discover (index)]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- or 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the problems faced by lovers who believe in the apparent encouragement given by their beloved

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Title: Verses to [Miss K] [index]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- or 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Defending someone whose motives have been misinterpreted

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Title: Verses to [Miss K] [index]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- or 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Offering his poem as a precious gift; in the index apparently included under the same title as the previous and succeeding poems

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Title: Verses to [Miss K] [index]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- or 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Epigram asserting that as a poet he wishes to receive only gratitude, not fame; in the index apparently included under the same title as the previous two poems

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Title: Friendship above all tyes [index]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- or 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the unhappiness caused by loss of favour with a friend

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Title: Sung in The Fair. Tune, I'll go no more to Greenland [Well met my honest messmates (index)]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1750 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Patriotic song on British maritime battles, including reference to France, Spain and George II; printed as 'A new song. Sung by Mr [John] Beard in The Fair', a pantomime entertainment first performed in 1750.

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Title: On Miss Bacchus

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- or 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On Miss Bacchus's beauty and ability to make men fall in love, comparing her to Venus come down from the heavens

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Title: Enough's as good as a feast

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 175- or 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On how Tom's wife drives her husband to drink after three months of marriage, the Devil identified as the Devil Tavern at Temple Gate (margin)

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Title: Letter to T. Sandby Esq. 1761

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1761 (title)

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Consolatory epistle to his friend, the artist and architect Thomas Sandby, using the example of a dedicated curate to argue that wealth is not necessary for happiness

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Title: On a lady's birthday [To Miss March on her birthday (index)]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Advising a woman, on her birthday, to seize the day and enjoy present happiness, since in this way she will not regret the passing of time

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Wishing on someone the ability to distinguish what is valuable, real and true in life; corrected.

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Title: As I went to the wake [index]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On a holiday spent with a lover, expressing desire to marry so that every day will be a holiday

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Title: The sparrows

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Humorous poem on the tribulations of marriage and the souring of love, using an extended metaphor of two sparrows stuck fast to each other with bird lime

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Title: Court of Chancery

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the expense of the law, advising against going to the court of chancery

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Title: Milliners. Tune, Florimel

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 176- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the relative merits of three young women in the Covent Garden area, concluding that the third is the least undesirable

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Title: Madam Sirmen's minuet [Billingsgate Nell (index)]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 176- or 177- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the vagaries of fortune, illustrated by the reversal of fortunes of the oyster seller Nell and the pickled salmon seller Lucy; the title perhaps refers to the singer and violinist Maddelena Sirmen or Syrmen

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Title: Card to Garrick

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 176- or 177- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Address to David Garrick, the actor; crossed through.

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Title: On three ladies at a tambour

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 177- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Expressing the wish that the third of three women would marry, as the other two have done, so that he may be free from his love for her

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Title: Introduced in The Druids. Sung by Mr Dunstall as a blacksmith

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1775 ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Song advising young women to be pleasant since this will bring them more success in love; apparently performed by John Dunstall in 'The Druids', a pastoral masque

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Title: Introduced in The Miser an opera

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 1775 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Song urging escape from a life of oppression to one of freedom, performed in Kane O'Hara's play 'The Two Misers, a Musical Farce' in 1775

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Title: On the committee of York Buildings who proposed taking down the fine watergate built by Inigo Jones in order to repair the causeway with the materials [The Goatham Committee (index)]

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 177- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: On the ignorance and financial motivation of those inhabitants of York Buildings in London who planned to dismantle the Watergate (designed by Inigo Jones) on the north bank of the Thames

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Title: The doubt

Author: Forrest, Theodosius

Attribution: T.F. (title page)

Date(s): 177- ?

Manuscript: Lt 64

Contents: Love poem, on the impossibility of deciding whether the lips or eyes of his beloved are her best feature

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