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Smith'S Turkish Baths2
Longden, Henry (1754-1812)2
A few words on water, as a remedy, a preventive, and a luxury : in connection with the system practised at the establishment of Mr. F. Smith, 119, Norfolk Street, Sheffield
A few words on water, as a remedy, a preventive, and a luxury : in connection with the system practised at the establishment of Mr. F. Smith, 119, Norfolk Street, Sheffield


A few words on water, as a remedy, a preventive, and a luxury : in connection with the system practised at the establishment of Mr. F. Smith, 119, Norfolk Street, Sheffield
A few words on water, as a remedy, a preventive, and a luxury : in connection with the system practised at the establishment of Mr. F. Smith, 119, Norfolk Street, Sheffield


Remarks on patent vegetable medicated vapour baths, air-pump vapour baths, portable sudatory baths, sulphureous fumigation baths, and cold and tepid shower baths; Portobello, near St. George's Church, Sheffield : including extracts from medical and other authorities, and reports of cases of various diseases, relieved or cured
Remarks on patent vegetable medicated vapour baths, air-pump vapour baths, portable sudatory baths, sulphureous fumigation baths, and cold and tepid shower baths; Portobello, near St. George's Church, Sheffield : including extracts from medical and other authorities, and reports of cases of various diseases, relieved or cured


Remarks on vapour baths, air-pump vapour baths, portable sudatory baths, sulphureous fumigation baths, and cold and tepid shower baths; Portobello, near St. George's Church, Sheffield : including extracts from medical and other authorities, and reports of cases of various diseases, relieved or cured
Remarks on vapour baths, air-pump vapour baths, portable sudatory baths, sulphureous fumigation baths, and cold and tepid shower baths; Portobello, near St. George's Church, Sheffield : including extracts from medical and other authorities, and reports of cases of various diseases, relieved or cured
