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1 to 12 of 48 records

Total number of records: 48

Count of Collection group

Collection groupCount
Medieval Manuscripts48
Brotherton Collection32
Ripon Cathedral16

Top 10: Subject

god the father48
virgin mary10
fabulous animals8
king david7
holy trinity7
holy ghost (as dove)7

Count of Earliest date

Earliest dateCount
From 120016
From 140032

Count of Latest date

Latest dateCount
Up to 129916
Up to 149920
Up to 159912
Archive Piece:
BC MS 100/1
[ca. 1461-1483]
Six roundels depicting God's creation: the separation of sky and earth (1), creation of trees and plants (2), creation of waters and fishes (3), creation of animals (4), creation of angels (5), and th...
Archive Piece:
BC MS 1/41
[ca. 142-?]
The arched miniature depicts King David knewith God, with a tripartite halo, appearing to him in the sky. There is a rocky landscape, and a watermill on the opposite river bank. Borders of ...
Archive Piece:
BC MS 7/1
[ca. 1490 and ca. 1500-1510]
The full page miniature depicts the Coronation of the Virgin in heaven, and a patron couple in prayer. In the main, arched, miniature God the Father and Christ are enthroned in heaven, holding globes ...
Archive Piece:
BC MS 10/1
[ca. 1480-1500]
This full page miniature shows the Virgin Mary holding the Christ-Child between pillars within a classical arch. Above them God the Father is blessing and holding the orb. On either side of him is a r...
Archive Piece:
Ripon Cathedral MS 1/2
[ca. 1260]
Initial 'I' encloses the scene of God creating Heaven and Earth, the trees and plants, the sun and moon, the birds and animals, Adam, God resting on the seventh day, and the Crucifixion of Christ with...
Archive Piece:
Ripon Cathedral MS 1/4
[ca. 1260]
Initial 'V' encloses the scene ofGod speaking to Moses. The border has a bird and a hybrid of a bird with a dog's head.
Archive Piece:
Ripon Cathedral MS 1/5
[ca. 1260]
Initial 'L' encloses a scene ofGod speaking to Moses.
Archive Piece:
Ripon Cathedral MS 1/8
[ca. 1260]
Initial 'P' encloses the scene ofJudah, clad in armour, communicating with God, who has a tripartite halo. The initial extends to the margin and is decorated with a head of a small animal.
Archive Piece:
Ripon Cathedral MS 1/16
[ca. 1260]
Initial 'I' encloses the scene of Cyrus, the King of Persia, pointing to God, who has a cruciform halo and holds a book.
Archive Piece:
Ripon Cathedral MS 1/25
[ca. 1260]
Initial 'D' encloses a scene of a fool biting a loaf. The other initial 'D' shows God looking down on sleeping men.
Archive Piece:
Ripon Cathedral MS 1/26
[ca. 1260]
Initial 'S' encloses the scene of Jonah being thrown to the whale by two men in a boat. The other initial 'S' has Jonah coming out of the whale, and God raising his hand in blessing while holding the ...
Archive Piece:
Ripon Cathedral MS 1/29
[ca. 1260]
The two 'D' initials enclose representations of the Trinity, the second being a so-called Gnadenstuhl Trinity.