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1 to 12 of 79 records

Total number of records: 79

Count of Collection group

Collection groupCount
Brotherton Collection79
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse79

Count of People and organisations

People and organisationsCount
Fitzgerald, Thomas79
T.F. [Latin]3
T.F.; [Bible]2
T.F. [Greek]1
T.F. [Bible]1
[Latin ?]1

Title: The Hundred & Fourth Psalm, paraphrased

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: [Bible]

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem in praise of God and the goodness of all his creation, secure

in his care. Paraphrased from Psalm 104.

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Title: Abraham's sacrifice

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: [Bible]

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: Religious poem, a greatly expanded version of the story of Abraham and Isaac,

from Genesis, ending with a prophecy of the Incarnation

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Title: A thought upon death

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 45

Contents: On how the terrors of death will be absent, and joy and peace assured, for

those who have led a quiet, virtuous and industrious life

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Title: Bedlam [Latin epigraph]

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Description of and reflections on a madhouse, or lunatic asylum, and its various inhabitants

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Title: An ode

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Expression of happiness and content with the natural pleasures of life,

spurning riches and ambition

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Title: A song

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Love poem, on the everlasting qualities of virtue and wisdom compared with

the transience of external beauty

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Title: A prologue to Cato, as it was acted by some young gentlemen at the time of

the threatned invasion from Spain in 1717

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1717 ?

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: On how Cato's action in saving Rome, in Addison's play, should be an example

to the English when threatened with a Spanish invasion, even though his

character has at other times been variously interpreted

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Title: A puppet show. Translated from the Latin of Mr Addison. [Greek epigraph]

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F. [Latin]

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Description of a puppet show, mimicking life-size theatre, translated from

Addison's poem "Machinae gesticulantes", 1698

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Title: Upon the poets corner in Westminster Abbey

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: On how the poets buried in Westminster Abbey will be remembered and honoured

longer than any others buried there

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Title: An epigram

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Lighthearted satire on the lack of sense of a vain and boastful friend, a

would-be poet

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Title: Another

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Lighthearted satire on an over-witty acquaintance, foretelling that he will

end up losing friends and being despised

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Title: Another

Author: Fitzgerald, Thomas

Attribution: T.F.

Date(s): 1733 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 5

Contents: Lighthearted satire on the lack of thought displayed by an acquaintance who

fancies himelf a great freethinker

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