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1 to 12 of 26 records

Total number of records: 26

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Brotherton Collection26
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse26

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John Patricke Carey26
Cary, Patrick26

Title: [unknown]

Author: Cary, Patrick

Attribution: John Patricke Carey

Date(s): 1652 or 1653

Manuscript: Lt 68

Contents: Epigram claiming to be impervious to love; beneath pen drawing, both introducing the theme of BCMSV 3346

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Cary, Patrick

Attribution: John Patricke Carey

Date(s): 1651

Manuscript: Lt 68

Contents: On his resistance to falling in love (although he would like to), always finding some fault in any likely woman, but claiming that this at least saves him from being deceived or cuckolded

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Cary, Patrick

Attribution: John Patricke Carey

Date(s): 1652 or 1653

Manuscript: Lt 68

Contents: Epigram giving reassurance that sickness caused by love is not fatal; beneath pen drawing, both introducing the theme of BCMSV 3348

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Cary, Patrick

Attribution: John Patricke Carey

Date(s): 1651

Manuscript: Lt 68

Contents: Argues that love cannot kill, only perhaps make him sick, since he loves only those who are kind, making him safe from the danger of a woman's scorn

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Cary, Patrick

Attribution: John Patricke Carey

Date(s): 1652 or 1653

Manuscript: Lt 68

Contents: Epigram on the impossibility of engraving a face on a heart; beneath pen drawing, both introducing the theme of BCMSV 3350

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Cary, Patrick

Attribution: John Patricke Carey

Date(s): 1651

Manuscript: Lt 68

Contents: On his inconstancy in love, since his heart is like a mirror, only able to hold an image in the presence of the woman

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Cary, Patrick

Attribution: John Patricke Carey

Date(s): 1652 or 1653

Manuscript: Lt 68

Contents: Epigram on love as something to be given, not taken by force; beneath pen drawing, both introducing the theme of BCMSV 3352

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Cary, Patrick

Attribution: John Patricke Carey

Date(s): 1651

Manuscript: Lt 68

Contents: On love as something to be given willingly to a kind woman, not taken by force

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Cary, Patrick

Attribution: John Patricke Carey

Date(s): 1652 or 1653

Manuscript: Lt 68

Contents: Epigram on the ease with which it is possible to enter and leave his heart, or his love, as in a house with no doors; beneath pen drawing, both introducing the theme of BCMSV 3354

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Cary, Patrick

Attribution: John Patricke Carey

Date(s): 1651

Manuscript: Lt 68

Contents: Arguing that his honest declarations of inconstancy in love are preferable to the false claims of eternal fidelity made by others

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Cary, Patrick

Attribution: John Patricke Carey

Date(s): 1652 or 1653

Manuscript: Lt 68

Contents: Epigram advising against mocking others for possessing cuckold's horns, since few men are not deceived in love; beneath pen drawing, both introducing the theme of BCMSV 3356

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Cary, Patrick

Attribution: John Patricke Carey

Date(s): 1651

Manuscript: Lt 68

Contents: On his wish to delay marriage in order to avoid being deceived or made a cuckold too soon, realizing it is unavoidable but comforting himself that he can create many cuckolds but only ever be one himself

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