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Brotherton Collection4
Brotherton Collection Manuscript Verse4

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Lawrence, Thomas4
Mr Lawrence (F.14r)2
Mr Lawrence [At End]1

Title: The first addresse to the ladyes. [Short English epigraph]

Author: Lawrence, Thomas

Attribution: Mr Lawrence (f.14r)

Date(s): 1669 (f.5v)

Manuscript: Lt 38

Contents: Flattering witty address to the ladies in the audience of a University of

Oxford ceremony to confer music degrees, following a Latin prose speech and

acting as prologue to one in English. Cf. BCMSV 2249, 2250.

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Lawrence, Thomas

Attribution: Mr Lawrence (f.14r)

Date(s): 1669 (f.5v)

Manuscript: Lt 38

Contents: Conclusion to Lawrence's witty speech to the ladies at a University of Oxford

ceremony to confer music degrees (cf. BCMSV 2248, 2250), comparing his request

to draw breath with men's need to rest between bouts of love-making

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Title: [unknown]

Author: Lawrence, Thomas

Attribution: Mr Lawrence [at end]

Date(s): 1669 (f.5v)

Manuscript: Lt 38

Contents: Witty conclusion or epilogue to Lawrence's series of speeches at a University

of Oxford ceremony to confer music degrees (cf. BCMSV 2248, 2249), outlining

his own university career as student and don, and asking for the audience's


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Title: To the king and queen in St John's Library. 1662.

Author: Lawrence, Thomas

Date(s): 1663 (published)

Manuscript: Lt 38

Contents: Flattering address to Charles II and his queen Catherine of Braganza on the

occasion of their visit to the library of St John's College, University of

Oxford, prophecying immortality for him in heaven. An extract from the

published version.

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